

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/tamzi/ReadMe-MasterTemplates"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tamzi/ReadMe-MasterTemplates/master/art/readmemastertemplate.jpg" alt="ReadMe Master Templates" width=230 height=150> </a> <h2 align="center">ReadMe Master Templates</h2> <p align="center"> If you are working on your projects and using github, the README.md file is a useful starter place for you to write good and clear documentations for your projects. Use this readMe roject to get started with your project's ReadMe.md file. <br> </p> </p> <br>

Table of contents



Despite the fact that you writing a technical document, it needs to be clear. Describing your project makes it easier for people to contribute to it and alos use it!

In this project you wil find the following readMes:


Why the Master Templates?

With the use of version control, there is a huge struggle among most people to do a brief of what their project is about. Lets face it, most developers are not into typing out prose to explain what they just built. Others dread the whole process of documenting it. <br> In addition, what to include so that someone else working on their project can benefit from their amazing work can sometimes be a hard task. <br> This is the foundation behind this project. A sample project that allows you to get started with a well written ReadMe.md file.

ReadMe MasterTemplates:


How to use them

  1. All the files are in markdown format. While it is good to learn markdown. It is always great to have the Markdown CheatSheet bookmarked somewhere in your browser. If you can learn it, awesome! It will save you time...But it really is not important: the more you use markdown, the better you get at it O.o.

  2. There are different Markdown templates for each type of project as below:

    • Android- For android focused ReadMe
    • Website- For your HTML&CSS JS projects
    • brief - minimal version
    • IOS ...coming soon - FOr IOS projects
    • Scripts ....coming soon - For Python, JS type projects
  3. Copy the respective files depending on the type of project. Paste it and edit the file.

  4. As a general rule, provide link to download the app if its published on the playstore /website if it is hosted at the description section above.See image below :point_down: :point_down:

Edit the Website link

  1. Want to give a suggestion? Feel free: it's open source. you can raise issues here:


🚧 👷‍ ⛏ 👷 🔧️ 🚧

You are welcome to help in making readMe master templates better.

The project is still very incomplete but under development. If there's an issue you'd like to see addressed sooner rather than later:

Before you contribute though read the contributing guide here: CONTRIBUTING GUIDE




<a href="https://github.com/tamzi/ReadMe-MasterTemplates/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contributors-img.firebaseapp.com/image?repo=tamzi/ReadMe-MasterTemplates" /> </a>

Twitter: @tamrefrank



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