

droplan Build Status Gitter

DigitalOcean Firewalls!

Exciting news! DigitalOcean now has a native firewall option that integrates well with tagging. Please consider using that instead of droplan!



This utility helps secure the network interfaces on DigitalOcean droplets by adding iptable rules that only allow traffic from your other droplets. droplan queries the DigitalOcean API and automatically updates iptable rules.


The latest release is available on the github release page.

You can setup a cron job to run every 5 minutes in /etc/cron.d

*/5 * * * * root PATH=/sbin DO_KEY=READONLY_KEY /usr/local/bin/droplan >/var/log/droplan.log 2>&1


DO_KEY=<read_only_api_token> /path/to/droplan

The iptables rules added by droplan are equivalent to:

-N droplan-peers # create a new chain
-A INPUT -i eth1 -j droplan-peers # add chain to private interface
-A INPUT -i eth1 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth1 -j DROP # add default DROP rule to private interface
-A droplan-peers -s <PEER>/32 -j ACCEPT # allow traffic from PEER ip address


Access can be limited to a subset of droplets using tags. The DO_TAG environment variable tells droplan to only allow access to droplets with the specified tag.

Public Interface

Add the PUBLIC=true environment variable and droplan will maintain an iptables chain of droplan-peers-public with the public ip addresses of peers and add a default drop rule to the eth0 interface.

NOTE: This will prevent you from being able to directly ssh into your droplet.



Dependencies are vendored with govendor.


A Makefile is included:

Docker image:

We provide a prebuilt docker image

Example usage:

docker run -d --restart=always --net=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -e DO_KEY=$your_digitalocean_api_key -e DO_INTERVAL=300 tam7t/droplan