

React Native Wizard

Easy, convenient, quick-forming Wizard component for React Native. Also this package is providing simple usage with few props and functions. You can see examples below the page.

<p align='center'><img src='./example/react-native-wizard.gif' alt='ReactNativeWizard'></p>

v2.1.1 Released.

v2.1.0 Released.

Getting Started

With NPM

npm install --save react-native-wizard


yarn add react-native-wizard


activeStepFor setting active step at start.intNo0
refYou need to set ref for using some function like goTo(), next() etc.voidYes-
currentStepYou can get current step index. Also you can get that step is last step or first step. Also you can use isFirstStep and isLastStep callbacks.voidNo-
isFirstStepYou can get active step is first step or not with this callback. This callback is returning boolean valuevoidNo-
isLastStepYou can get active step is last step or not with this callback. This callback is returning boolean valuevoidNo-
durationYou can set duration of transition animation.intNo500
onNextIf next button click and step is change, this function will run.voidNo-
onPrevIf prev button click and step is change, this function will run.voidNo-
stepsYou can set steps with this prop.objectYes-
nextStepAnimationYou can set animation for next step transition.stringNofade
prevStepAnimationYou can set animation for prev step transition.stringNofade
useNativeDriverYou can set useNativeDriver for all Animated used by the package (more info here).booleanNotrue

Animations (nextStepAnimation="fade")

You can use this animations for prevStep or nextStep

Animation List

Reference Functions

With functional component and hooks I sincerely recommend using hooks.

import React, {useRef} from 'react'
import Wizard, { WizardRef } from 'react-native-wizard';

const wizard = useRef<WizardRef>(null)
// Usage
<Wizard ref={wizard} />

With class component If you're not using functional component then you should create a ref with React.createRef().

import Wizard, { WizardRef } from 'react-native-wizard';

wizard = React.createRef<WizardRef>(null)
<Wizard ref={this.wizard} />
PropsUsage without useRefUsage with useRef

Understanding the usage of Step

This wizard using your component class/function as a child. Every time this Wizard rendering your active step.

Basic Usage

import React, {useRef,useState} from 'react'
// import Wizard
import Wizard, { WizardRef } from 'react-native-wizard';

// Import your own step components
import Step1 from "./yourStepsDir/Step1";
import Step2 from "./yourStepsDir/Step2";
import Step3 from "./yourStepsDir/Step3";

// ...

const wizard = useRef<WizardRef>(null);
const [isFirstStep, setIsFirstStep] = useState()
const [isLastStep, setIsLastStep] = useState()
const stepList = [
      content: <Image source={{uri: "http://placehold.it/96x96"}} style={{width:50, height:50}}/>,
      content: <Step2 testProp="Welcome to Second Step"/>
      content: <Step3 step3Prop="Welcome to Third Step"/>
        isFirstStep={val => setIsFirstStep(val)}
        isLastStep={val => setIsLastStep(val)}
        onNext={() => {
            console.log("Next Step Called")
        onPrev={() => {
            console.log("Previous Step Called")
        currentStep={({ currentStep, isLastStep, isFirstStep }) => {

Advanced Usage Example

import React, { useRef, useState } from "react"
import { SafeAreaView, Button, View, Text } from "react-native"
import Wizard, { WizardRef } from "react-native-wizard"

export default () => {
  const wizard = useRef<WizardRef>(null)
  const [isFirstStep, setIsFirstStep] = useState(true)
  const [isLastStep, setIsLastStep] = useState(false)
  const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(0)
  const stepList = [
      content: <View style={{ width: 100, height: 100, backgroundColor: "#000" }} />,
      content: <View style={{ width: 100, height: 100, backgroundColor: "#e04851" }} />,
      content: <View style={{ width: 100, height: 500, backgroundColor: "#9be07d" }} />,
      content: <View style={{ width: 100, height: 100, backgroundColor: "#2634e0" }} />,

  return (
      <SafeAreaView style={{ backgroundColor: "#FFF" }}>
            justifyContent: "space-between",
            flexDirection: "row",
            backgroundColor: "#FFF",
            borderBottomColor: "#dedede",
            borderBottomWidth: 1,
          <Button disabled={isFirstStep} title="Prev" onPress={() => wizard.current.prev()} />
          <Text>{currentStep + 1}. Step</Text>
          <Button disabled={isLastStep} title="Next" onPress={() => wizard.current.next()} />
      <View style={{ flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center" }}>
          isFirstStep={val => setIsFirstStep(val)}
          isLastStep={val => setIsLastStep(val)}
          onNext={() => {
            console.log("Next Step Called")
          onPrev={() => {
            console.log("Previous Step Called")
          currentStep={({ currentStep, isLastStep, isFirstStep }) => {
        <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", margin: 18 }}>
          {stepList.map((val, index) => (
              key={"step-indicator-" + index}
                width: 10,
                marginHorizontal: 6,
                height: 10,
                borderRadius: 5,
                backgroundColor: index === currentStep ? "#fc0" : "#000",


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details