

Alt text UltraFaceDotNet GitHub license codecov

C# version of Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB This repository is porting https://github.com/Linzaer/Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB by C#.

This package supports cross platform, Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android!!

UltraFaceDotNet (CPU)Windows---NuGet version
Linux--NuGet version
OSX---NuGet version
UltraFaceDotNet (GPU)Windows---NuGet version
Linux---NuGet version
OSX---NuGet version
UltraFaceDotNet (Xamarin)UWPNuGet version
AndroidNuGet version
iOS--NuGet version


Console (using OpenCV UI)

<img src="examples/Demo/images/image.jpg" width="480"/>

YoloV3 on Xamarin.Android, iOS and UWP

<img src="examples/Xamarin/Demo/images/android.png" width="300" /> <img src="examples/Xamarin/Demo/images/ios.png" width="300" /> <img src="examples/Xamarin/Demo/images/uwp.png" width="600" />

Dependencies Libraries and Products


License: The MIT License

Author: Linzaer

Principal Use: 1MB lightweight face detection model. Main goal of UltraFaceDotNet is what ports Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB by C#.


License: The BSD 3-Clause License

Author: THL A29. Limited, a Tencent company

Principal Use: A high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform in C++. Main goal of UltraFaceDotNet is what wraps ncnn by C#.


License: The BSD 3-Clause License

Author: Intel Corporation, Willow Garage, Itseez

Principal Use: Uses to read and show image data.


License: The MIT License

Author: Takuya Takeuchi

Principal Use: Use ncnn interface via .NET. This library is developed by this owner.


License: The MIT License

Author: Martijn Laarman

Principal Use: Visualize progress in Benchmark program.