watch-tree yet another NodeJS FS-watching library. If it happens to suit your needs better than the others, enjoy!
The current implementation maintains a ring of paths (both files and dirs), and stats the next one every (<code>--sample-rate=</code>) ms.
More efficient implementations will be added eventually, including inotify (for Linux) and FSEvents (for Mac), with the appropriate one being compiled at (<code>npm install</code>)-time.
Your code won't notice the difference when that happens, but your battery life might.
<pre> npm install watch-tree </pre>Command-line tool
<pre> watch-tree [[relative_]path] [--ignore=(...regex...)] [--match=(...regex...)] [--sample-rate=(] </pre>Example
<pre> cd ~/repos/watch-tree; watch-tree '--ignore=/\.' </pre>stdout:
<pre> ... ["filePreexisted","/Users/a/repos/node-watch-tree/","2011-01-14T18:34:56.000Z"] ["allPreexistingFilesReported"] ["fileModified","/Users/a/repos/node-watch-tree/","2011-01-14T18:35:05.000Z"] ["fileCreated","/Users/a/repos/node-watch-tree/foo","2011-01-14T18:35:07.000Z"] ["fileDeleted","/Users/a/repos/node-watch-tree/foo"] </pre>NodeJS
The watcher returned by <code>.watchTree</code> is a NodeJS <code>EventEmitter</code> instance.
<pre> watcher = require('watch-tree').watchTree(path, {'sample-rate': 5}); watcher.on('fileDeleted', function(path) { console.log("Quoth the walrus: Noooo, they're deleting mah " + path + "!"); }); </pre>Events
<table> <tr> <th>Event</th> <th>Callback Arguments</th> </tr> <tr> <td>filePreexisted</td> <td>path, stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td>allPreexistingFilesReported</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>fileCreated</td> <td>path, stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td>fileModified</td> <td>path, stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td>fileDeleted</td> <td>path</td> </tr> </table>...where <code>stats</code> is a NodeJS fs.Stats instance.