

H2O Dataset information


24/Sep./2022: We are pleased to announce that our total prize will be up to 4000 CHF (4000 USD) for our two challenges (hand, action). <br> 15/Aug./2022: Our challenges are open here (hand, action). Our 1st phase of the challenges will be closed at October 1st, 2022. <br> 9/May/2022: The download script (downlaod_script.py) is uploaded. <br> 8/May/2022: Labels for hand pose and object pose are released. Please check https://h2odataset.ethz.ch <br> 4/May/2022: The H2O dataset will be part of the workshop, Human Body, Hands, and Activities from Egocentric and Multi-view Cameras@ECCV2022. Please check our workshop site (https://sites.google.com/view/egocentric-hand-body-activity) and our challenges. <br> 12/Mar./2022: Visualization code is published. https://github.com/taeinkwon/h2oplayer <br> 11/Mar./2022: Updated new labels to the existing files. <br> 8/Dec./2021: Please Download new labels "manolabel_v1.1.tar.gz" in https://h2odataset.ethz.ch for MANO parameters. We will also update existing files soon. <br>

Visualization code (H2OPlayer)

Alt text Please check the visualization code in the following link: https://github.com/taeinkwon/h2oplayer.

Download script


Once you receive the username and password from the download page (https://h2odataset.ethz.ch), you can either download directly from the download page (https://h2odataset.ethz.ch) or use download_script.py.

python download_script.py --username "username" --password "password" --mode "type of view" --dest "dest folder path"

We provide three different modes (views):

Dataset Structure

<pre> . ├── h1 │ ├── 0 │ │ │── cam0 │ │ │ ├── rgb │ │ │ ├── depth │ │ │ ├── cam_pose │ │ │ ├── hand_pose │ │ │ ├── hand_pose_MANO │ │ │ ├── obj_pose │ │ │ ├── obj_pose_RT │ │ │ ├── action_label (only in cam4) │ │ │ ├── rgb256 (only in cam4) │ │ │ ├── verb_label │ │ │ └── cam_intrinsics.txt │ │ ├── cam1 │ │ ├── cam2 │ │ ├── cam3 │ │ └── cam4 │ ├── 1 │ ├── 2 │ ├── 3 │ └── ... ├── h2 ├── k1 ├── k2 └── ... </pre>

cam0 ~ cam3 are fixed cameras. cam4 is an head-mounted camera (egocentric view). <br> train_sequences = ['subject1/h1', 'subject1/h2', 'subject1/k1', 'subject1/k2', 'subject1/o1', 'subject1/o2', 'subject2/h1', 'subject2/h2', 'subject2/k1', 'subject2/k2', 'subject2/o1', 'subject2/o2', 'subject3/h1', 'subject3/h2', 'subject3/k1'] (subject 1,2,3) <br> val_sequences = ['subject3/k2', 'subject3/o1', 'subject3/o2'] (subject 3)<br> test_sequences = ['subject4/h1', 'subject4/h2', 'subject4/k1', 'subject4/k2', 'subject4/o1', 'subject4/o2'] (subject4)<br>


1280 * 720 resolution rgb images


455 * 256 resolution resized rgb images


1280 * 720 resolution depth images


cam_to_world rotion matrix <br>

16 numbers, 4x4 camera matrix


cam_to_hand <br> 1 (whether annotate or not, 0: not annotate 1: annotate) + 21 * 3 (x, y, z in order) + 1 + 21 * 3 (right hand) <br> First 64 numbers belong to the left hand. Next 64 numbers belong to the right hand


1 (whether annotate or not, 0: not annotate 1: annotate) + 3 translation values + 48 pose values + 10 shape values + 1 + 3 + 48 + 10 (right hand) <br> First 59 numbers belong to the left hand. Next 59 numbers belong to the right hand


cam_to_obj <br> 1 (object class) + 21 * 3 (x, y, z in order) <br> 21 numbers : 1 center, 8 corners, 12 mid edge point. <br> 0 background (no object) <br> 1 book <br> 2 espresso <br> 3 lotion <br> 4 spray <br> 5 milk <br> 6 cocoa <br> 7 chips <br> 8 capuccino <br>

<img id="image_canv" src="obj_point_order.jpg"/>


1 (object class) + 16 numbers, 4x4 camera matrix


0 background (no verb) <br> 1 grab <br> 2 place <br> 3 open <br> 4 close <br> 5 pour <br> 6 take out <br> 7 put in <br> 8 apply <br> 9 read <br> 10 spray <br> 11 squeeze <br>


Combination of a noun (object class) and a verb (verb label)

0 background <br> 1 grab book <br> 2 grab espresso <br> 3 grab lotion <br> 4 grab spray <br> 5 grab milk <br> 6 grab cocoa <br> 7 grab chips <br> 8 grab cappuccino <br> 9 place book <br> 10 place espresso <br> 11 place lotion <br> 12 place spray <br> 13 place milk <br> 14 place cocoa <br> 15 place chips <br> 16 place cappuccino <br> 17 open lotion <br> 18 open milk <br> 19 open chips <br> 20 close lotion <br> 21 close milk <br> 22 close chips <br> 23 pour milk <br> 24 take out espresso <br> 25 take out cocoa <br> 26 take out chips <br> 27 take out cappuccino <br> 28 put in espresso <br> 29 put in cocoa <br> 30 put in cappuccino <br> 31 apply lotion <br> 32 apply spray <br> 33 read book <br> 34 read espresso <br> 35 spray spray <br> 36 squeeze lotion <br>

For Actions

Train set file <br> Validation set file <br> Test set file <br>

For Poses

Train set file <br> Validation set file <br> Test set file <br>


six numbers : fx, fy, cx, cy, width, height


If you find any usefulness in this dataset, please consider citing:

    author    = {Kwon, Taein and Tekin, Bugra and St\"uhmer, Jan and Bogo, Federica and Pollefeys, Marc},
    title     = {H2O: Two Hands Manipulating Objects for First Person Interaction Recognition},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {10138-10148}