

Swift 5.5 Platforms iOS CocoaPods Carthage Swift Package Manager License MIT


Customizable Console UI overlay with debug log on top of your iOS App

AEConsole is built on top of AELog, so you should probably see that first.

I wanted to see what's happening 'under the hood' while testing some app AFK (ex. outside). Then I made it possible. Hope you'll like it too, happy coding!





Calling Console.shared.configure(in: window) will add Console.View as a subview to your App's window and make it hidden by default. Whenever you need Console UI, you just make a shake gesture and it's there! When you no longer need it, shake again and it's gone.

The rest is up to AELog's logging functionality. Whatever is logged with it, will show up in Console.View.

// MARK: - Console configuration

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool
    /// - Note: Access Console settings
    let settings = Console.shared.settings

    /// - Note: Customize Console settings like this, these are defaults:
    settings.isShakeGestureEnabled = true
    settings.backColor = UIColor.black
    settings.textColor = UIColor.white
    settings.fontSize = 12.0
    settings.rowSpacing = 4.0
    settings.opacity = 0.7

    /// - Note: Configure Console in app window (it's recommended to skip this for public release)
    Console.shared.configure(in: window)

    /// - Note: Log something with AELog

    return true
// MARK: - Additional Console API

/// - Note: Check if Console is hidden

/// - Note: Toggle Console visibility

/// - Note: Add any log line manually
Console.shared.addLogLine(line: "Hello!")

/// - Note: Export log file manually
Console.shared.exportLogFile { (fileURL) in
    do {
        let url = try fileURL()
        /// - Note: do something with a log file at given file URL...
    } catch {

Quick Help

This should explain all the features of Console UI:


Export Logwill make AELog_{timestamp}.txt file in Application Documents directory and present sharing sheet.
Filter Logfilter is not case sensitive.
Toggle Toolbarworks for both filter and menu toolbars simultaneously.
Toggle Forward Toucheswhen active you can interact with your App, otherwise you can interact with the log.
Toggle Auto Followwhen active it will automatically scroll to the new log lines, otherwise it will stay put.
Clear Logyou can't undo this.
Pan Gesture over Menu Toolbarleft is more transparent, right is more opaque.



AEConsole is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.