

Learning to Quantize

Code for the ICML submission 6132.


We recommend using Anaconda to install the following packages,

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

Cuda kernel installation

cd nuq/cuda/;
python setup.py install
cd ../../

Running experiments in the paper

The commands used to run the experiments can be found in pjobs/ directory. These commands are generated using the grid_run.py script. Each experiment is described using a function in the grid/nuq.py file.

Each of the experiments can be run using bash pjobs/supp_{i}.sh where i is the experiment number being used. The small configuration changes in each experiment corresponds to variations in the quantization method used for generating the plots.

After running the experiments, the results will be stored in a directory specified in the configuration of the job that can be served using tensorboard to view the results.


Quantization methods are implemented in NumPy (nuq/quantize.py) as well is in Cuda (nuq/cuda/src/ops_gpu.cu).

Apache License 2.0