


Python 3.x <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/vanilla-JavaScript-blue"> License <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Maintained%3F-Yes-CD8335">


toxssin is an open-source penetration testing tool that automates the process of exploiting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. It consists of an https server that works as an interpreter for the traffic generated by the malicious JavaScript payload that powers this tool (toxin.js).

This project started as (and still is) a research-based creative endeavor to explore the exploitability depth that an XSS vulnerability may introduce by using vanilla JavaScript, trusted certificates and cheap tricks.

Disclaimer: Using this tool against web apps that you do not have explicit permission to test is illegal. You are responsible for any trouble you may cause by using this tool.

Video Presentation




Find more screenshots here.


By default, toxssin’s JavaScript poison automatically spreads across the elements and information of a webpage, abusing the XMLHttpRequest object to intercept:

Most importantly, toxssin:

Installation & Usage

git clone https://github.com/t3l3machus/toxssin
cd ./toxssin
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To start toxssin.py, you will need to supply ssl certificate and private key files.

If you don't own a domain with a trusted certificate, you can issue and use self-signed certificates with the following command (although this won't take you far):

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

It is strongly recommended to run toxssin with a trusted certificate (see How to get a Valid Certificate in this document). That said, you can start the toxssin server like this:

# python3 toxssin.py -u https://your.domain.com -c /your/certificate.pem -k /your/privkey.pem

Visit the project's wiki for additional information.

XSS Exploitation Obstacles

In my experience, there are 4 major obstacles when it comes to Cross-Site Scripting attacks attempting to include external JS scripts:

  1. the "Mixed Content" error, which can be resolved by serving the JavaScript payload via https (even with a self-signed certificate).
  2. the "NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID" error, which indicates that the server's certificate is untrusted / expired and can be bypassed by using a certificate issued by a trusted Authority.
  3. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), which is handled appropriately by the toxssin server.
  4. Content-Security-Policy header with the script-src set to specific domain(s) only will block scripts with cross-domain src from loading. Toxssin relies on the eval() function to deliver its poison, so, if the website has a CSP and the unsafe-eval source expression is not specified in the script-src directive, the attack will most likely fail (i'm working on a second poison delivery method to work around this).

Note: The "Mixed Content" error can of course occur when the target website is hosted via http and the JavaScript payload via https. This limits the scope of toxssin to https only webistes, as (by default) toxssin is started with ssl only.

How to get a Trusted Certificate

First, you need to own a domain name.

Register a domain for free

You can search for free options on freenom. It's a bit tricky to do it correctly. I suggest you follow this instructional video. Also, if you create an account for the first time, make sure the Country you select matches your IP address or you might get errors.

Standard (paid) method

Purchase a domain from a registrar service (e.g. https://www.namecheap.com/). The most economic way is to search for a random string domain name (e.g. "fvcm98duf") and check the less popular TLDs, like .xyz, as they will probably cost around 3$ per year.

Get a trusted certificate

After you purchase a domain name, you can use certbot (Let's Encrypt) to get a trusted certificate in 5 minutes or less:

  1. Append an A record to your Domain's DNS settings so that it points to your server ip,
  2. Follow certbots official instructions.

Tip: Don't install and run certbot on your own, you might get unexpected errors. Stick with the instructions.


2022-06-19 - Added the exec prompt command (you can now execute custom JS scripts against a session).
2022-06-23 - I added two simple, dirty scripts as templates for testing the exec prompt command. I also fixed the cmd prompt's backward history access and made some improvements.


The idea is to make it sharper, more reliable and expand its capabilities. Currently, i'm working on improving file captures.