


I have been meaning to work on this, but I do not have the time right now. I am going to post the source for killswitch-core which is a better version of this program written in .NET Core


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Build status

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VPN Kill switch which used a listener to detect disconnections

See the change log for changes and road map.

How To Use

How it works

Once your vpn is connect, and you have selected the proper interface, KillSwitch will begin listening for a change of connection on that interface, and once it does, it will quickly check if your vpn is down, and if it is, KillSwitch will use ipconfig to disable outgoing traffic to stop yourself from leaking your IP.


This is for the people who use a VPN that does not come with a premade kill switch.

Coming Soon

If you wanna help or wanna know what is going to be added in the coming releases, here is a list of things that need to be done.

Program screenshots

Selecting the interface and running the scanner/listener

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Dissconnecting from the vpn (we try to avoid this)

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Internet connection disabled

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