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HydrAMP: a deep generative model for antimicrobial peptide discovery



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pip install dvc[gdrive]
dvc pull

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Available data:

Required software

HydrAMP was tested under Linux and Windows running python 3.8. Other python versions might work as well but it is not guaranteed. All required packages are enclosed in setup.py. Run:

pip install .

to install HydrAMP and other required packages. This should take up to 10 minutes with 50Mbps internet.

If you plan to retrain HydrAMP, you are going to need custom TensorFlow wheels that have some cherry-picked bug fixes. It is not possible to use TensorFlow version where these bugs are fixed since API changed significantly (Keras-Tensorflow side) and this would require to rewrite training code. These wheels can be found under in wheels/ via DVC

How to generate peptides with HydrAMP

Interface for generating peptides is enclosed in HYDRAmpGenerator class. Latest model can be found under models/HydrAMP/37 and latest decomposer can be found under models/HydrAMP/pca_decomposer.joblib. You can find useful scripts under amp/inference/scripts.

Initialize object with path to model and decomposer:

from amp.inference import HydrAMPGenerator

generator = HydrAMPGenerator(model_path, decomposer_path)

The package provides 2 modes for peptide generation:

def analogue_generation(self, sequences: List[str], seed: int,
                    filtering_criteria: Literal['improvement', 'discovery'] = 'improvement',
                    n_attempts: int = 100, temp: float = 5.0, **kwargs) -> Dict[Any, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]:


sequences - list of peptide sequences to process

filtering_criteria - 'improvement' if generated peptides should be strictly better than input sequences (higher P(AMP), lower P(MIC) in case of positive generation); 'discovery' if generated sequences should be good enough but not strictly better

n_attempt - how many times a single latent vector is decoded

seed - seed for reproducible results

**kwargs - additional boolean arguments for filtering. See filtering options

temp - creativity parameter. Controls latent vector sigma scaling


res - dict of dicts, keys corresponds to original sequences, values are dicts with the following fields:


Example call (try to improve Pexiganan and Temporin A with 100 attempts and a default temperature)

# exemplary method call for Pexiganan and Temporin A (generated sequences were truncated)
>> generator.analogue_generation(sequences=['GIGKFLKKAKKFGKAFVKILKK' 'FLPLIGRVFSGIL'],

{'FLPLIGRVLSGIL': {'amp': 0.9999972581863403,
                   'charge': 1.996,
                   'generated_sequences': [{'amp': 0.9998811483383179,
                                            'charge': 1.996,
                                            'hydrophobic_moment': 0.5703602534454862,
                                            'hydrophobicity': 0.6307692307692307,
                                            'isoelectric_point': 10.7421875,
                                            'length': 13,
                                            'mic': 0.8635282516479492,
                                            'sequence': 'FLPLIGRVLPGIL'}],
                   'hydrophobic_moment': 0.5872424608996596,
                   'hydrophobicity': 0.6076923076923078,
                   'isoelectric_point': 10.7421875,
                   'length': 13,
                   'mic': 0.936310887336731},
                            'charge': 9.994,
                            'generated_sequences': [{'amp': 1.0,
                                                     'charge': 9.994,
                                                     'hydrophobic_moment': 0.7088747699407729,
                                                     'hydrophobicity': -0.05090909090909091,
                                                     'isoelectric_point': 11.576171875,
                                                     'length': 22,
                                                     'mic': 0.011877596378326416,
                                                     'sequence': 'GIGKFLKKAKKFGKAFVKILKK'},
                                                    {'amp': 1.0,
                                                     'charge': 8.994,
                                                     'hydrophobic_moment': 0.6008331010319634,
                                                     'hydrophobicity': 0.07181818181818182,
                                                     'isoelectric_point': 11.5185546875,
                                                     'length': 22,
                                                     'mic': 0.010871708393096924,
                                                     'sequence': 'GIGKFLKKAKFLGKAFVKIFKK'}],
                            'hydrophobic_moment': 0.7088747699407729,
                            'hydrophobicity': -0.05090909090909091,
                            'isoelectric_point': 11.576171875,
                            'length': 22,
                            'mic': 0.01187763549387455}}

def unconstrained_generation(self,
                             mode: Literal["amp", "nonamp"] = 'amp',
                             n_target: int = 100,
                             seed: int = None,
                             filter_out: bool = True,
                             properties: bool = True,
                             n_attempts: int = 64,
                             **kwargs) -> Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]:


mode - str, "amp" or "nonamp", default: "amp"

n_target - how many peptides should be succesfully sampled

seed - seed for reproducible results

filter_out - uses AMP and MIC classifier information to filter sequences that were predicted to not be from desired class

properties - if True, each sequence is a dictionary with additional properties

n_attempt - how many times a single latent vector is decoded

**kwargs - additional boolean arguments for filtering. See filtering options Returns:

res - list of dicts, each dict correspond to single sequence described with same fields as in template generation.

# exemplary method call, request 2 amp sequences without properties

>> generator.unconstrained_generation(n_target=2, mode="amp", properties=False)


# exemplary method call, request 2 amp sequences with properties

>> generator.unconstrained_generation(n_target=2, mode="amp", properties=True)

[{'amp': 0.9997017979621887,
  'charge': 2.928,
  'h_score': 1.4285714285714284,
  'hydrophobic_moment': 0.1713221131786216,
  'hydrophobicity': 0.31500000000000006,
  'isoelectric_point': 10.03125,
  'length': 12,
  'mic': 0.017575599253177643,
  'sequence': 'FRMSLAWKCLLL'},
 {'amp': 0.9999890327453613,
  'charge': 5.996,
  'h_score': 1.1794871794871795,
  'hydrophobic_moment': 0.2868787441416022,
  'hydrophobicity': -0.24000000000000002,
  'isoelectric_point': 12.58447265625,
  'length': 14,
  'mic': 0.06286950409412384,
  'sequence': 'GLLGGLLKRRRFVR'}]

Retraining HydrAMP and its ablated version as well as classifiers

You can find notebooks for retraining all models under scripts/. This includes {hydra, pepcvae, basic}_training_procedure.ipynb and {amp, mic}_classifier_training_procedure. Training a single model takes about 14h on NVIDIA RTX 2080 and a 2.4GHz CPU with total of 32 threads.

Filtering options

The following are additional filtering: