


  1. Install the Required Packages

    • python version: 3.8.10
    • pip install -r requirement.txt
  2. Convert ATOMIC 2020 Triples to Natural Language

    • download ATOMIC 2020 from https://allenai.org/data/atomic-2020 and put it in the directory "kb_process"
    • cd ./kb_process
    • python atomic_process.py
    • "atomic.csv" will be generated in the directory "datasets"
  3. Convert ConceptNet 5.7 Triples to Natural Language

  4. Transferring Knowledge from Large NLI Datasets

  5. Extract Knowledge from KBs

    • run the jupyter notes in the directory "kb_extract"
    • set the value of ROOT_DIR to "/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/NLI-KB/"
    • set the value of CACHE_DIR to "/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.cache/"
  6. Start Experiments

    • run the jupyter notes in the directory "roberta_unsup"
    • set the value of ROOT_DIR to "/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/NLI-KB/"
    • set the value of CACHE_DIR to "/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.cache/"