

With FaceFirst UIImage category, you can crop and resize an image to a specific size and it will try not to crop out any face showing in the image. For a group shot, it will pick only one of faces as base. For any other image without any human face, it will not take any effect, just resize and crop to the size you sepecify.

You can combine this category with UIImageView together to show any image with faces properly.

How To Use

Basic Requirements


<img src="http://f.cl.ly/items/0n0R0t2E0y1z0W2T0o3Q/Screen%20Shot%202013-01-11%20at%204.39.56%20PM.png"/> <img src="http://f.cl.ly/items/2L2K010b3E2n0o0R1m3P/Screen%20Shot%202013-01-11%20at%204.40.15%20PM.png"/> <img src="http://f.cl.ly/items/1x3o2s3H0y0g3x043L00/Screen%20Shot%202013-01-11%20at%204.39.40%20PM.png"/>