#Evernote Notebook Picker This is a simple UI wrapper for user to pick one of notebooks from his/her Evernote accounts. For a Evernote heavy user, he/she will have lots of notebook. A traditional notebook picker with a simple table view isn't efficient. But this notebook picker will stack the notebooks based on user's notebook and stack hierarchy, and also provide a search function to search by keywords.
<img src="" width="500"/>How to install
The easiest installation is via cocoapods, simply include EvernoteNotebookPicker in your Podfile, and pod install
If you want to include with source code directly, drag the entire "Evernote Notebook Picker" folder, and NotebookPicker.bundle into your project.
How to use
First, you need to let user login with his Evernote account, get the authentication session.
UIViewController *vc = [ENNotebookPickerViewController controllerWithCompletion:^(EDAMNotebook *notebook) {
// notebook is the user selected notebook
[self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];