<img src="" alt="logo" width="32" height="32" />synvert-ruby
is a command tool to rewrite ruby code automatically, it depends on synvert-core-ruby
and synvert-snippets-ruby
synvert-core-ruby provides a set of DSLs to rewrite ruby code.
synvert-snippets-ruby provides official snippets to rewrite ruby code.
To install the latest version, run
$ gem install synvert
This will also install synvert-core-ruby
Synvert is completely working with remote snippets on github, but you can sync all official snippets locally to make it run faster.
$ synvert-ruby --sync
Then you can use synvert to rewrite your ruby code, e.g.
$ synvert-ruby -r factory_bot/use_short_syntax
$ synvert-ruby -h
Usage: synvert-ruby [project_path]
-l, --list list all available snippets
-q, --query QUERY query specified snippets
-s, --show SNIPPET_NAME show specified snippet description, SNIPPET_NAME is combined by group and name, e.g. ruby/new_hash_syntax
-o, --open SNIPPET_NAME Open a snippet
-g, --generate NEW_SNIPPET_NAME generate a new snippet
--sync sync snippets
--execute EXECUTE_COMMAND execute snippet
-r, --run SNIPPET_NAME run a snippet with snippet name, e.g. ruby/new_hash_syntax, or remote url, or local file path
-t, --test SNIPPET_NAME test a snippet with snippet name, e.g. ruby/new_hash_syntax, or remote url, or local file path
--show-run-process show processing files when running a snippet
--only-paths DIRECTORIES only specified files or directories, separated by comma, e.g. app/models,app/controllers
--skip-paths FILE_PATTERNS skip specified files or directories, separated by comma, e.g. vendor/,lib/**/*.rb
-f, --format FORMAT output format
--number-of-workers NUMBER_OF_WORKERS
set the number of workers, if it is greater than 1, it tests snippet in parallel
--double-quote prefer double quote, it uses single quote by default
--tab-width TAB_WIDTH prefer tab width, it uses 2 by default
-v, --version show this version
Sync snippets
Official Snippets are available on github, you can sync them any time you want.
$ synvert-ruby --sync
List snippets
List all available snippets
$ synvert-ruby -l
$ synvert-ruby --list --format json
Show a snippet
Describe what a snippet does.
$ synvert-ruby -s factory_bot/use_short_syntax
Open a snippet
Open a snippet in your editor, editor is defined in
$ synvert-ruby -o factory_bot/use_short_syntax
Run a snippet
Run a snippet, analyze and then rewrite code.
$ synvert-ruby -r factory_bot/use_short_syntax ~/Sites/synvert-hq/synvert-core-ruby
Run a snippet from remote url
$ synvert-ruby -r ~/sites/synvert-hq/synvert-core-ruby
Run a snippet from local path
$ synvert-ruby -r ~/.synvert-ruby/lib/factory_bot/use_short_syntax.rb ~/sites/synvert-hq/synvert-core-ruby
Skip paths
$ synvert-ruby -r factory_bot/use_short_syntax --skip-paths vendor/ ~/sites/synvert-hq/synvert-core-ruby
Only paths
$ synvert-ruby -r factory_bot/use_short_syntax --only-paths app/models/ ~/sites/synvert-hq/synvert-core-ruby
Show processing files when running a snippet.
$ synvert-ruby -r factory_bot/use_short_syntax --show-run-process ~/Sites/synvert-hq/synvert-core-ruby
Generate a snippet
Generate a new snippet
$ synvert-ruby -g ruby/convert_foo_to_bar