

<p align="center"> <img width="200" src="plugin/demo/icon.png?raw=true" alt="plugin icon"> </p>

Android System Bar Color Changer

This Plugin enables to dynamically change the system bar colors (status bar and navigation bar) of your godot android app.



How to use

  1. Turn on gradle build in your project

  2. Turn off immersive_mode in Android exprot present (to make system bar visible)

  3. Add SystemBarColorChanger node to your scene

    • To change status bar color
    • To change navigation bar color
    • If you want to have light status bar eg. WHITE (Note: You will have to call set_status_bar_color() to update changes)
      $SystemBarColorChanger.lightStatusBar = true
    • If you want to have light navigation bar eg. WHITE (Note: You will have to call set_navigation_bar_color() to update changes)
      $SystemBarColorChanger.lightNavigationBar = true
  4. Translucent System Bars

    • To enable translucent system bars
    • To disable translucent system bars

Demo Project

You can try this plugin using demo project: Demo Project



Developed By: Anish syntaxerror247