

Magento 1 Slovenian translations

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Magento Slovenian translations


Slovenian (Slovenia) - sl_SI open source language pack for Magento Community Edition 1.x. Translations include entire Magento Community edition - store's front end, administration, emails and TinyMCE editor in administration forms.

Translations follow Slovenian grammar and translation rules from Lugos.

Supported Magento CE versions:


Choose one of the installation options below that suits your case.

Option 1: Magento Connect Manager

The preferred way to install this extension is to use the Magento Connect Manager from the Magento application administration and to directly upload the latest package archive locale_sl_si-1.x.y.tgz in your application. That way possible future updates will be easier to manage.

Latest package for download is available on GitHub.

From the Magento administration back end visit System->Magento Connect->Magento Connect Manager and use the Direct package file upload form to upload the downloaded tgz package.

Direct file upload

After the upload you should see the successful extension installation notice

Package installed

Enable Slovenian locale in Magento admin at System->Configuration->Locale Options->Locale and flush the Magento cache after installation to see changes.

Option 2: Composer

Magento 1 provides Composer integration by using packages.firegento.com. Run the following in command line:

$ composer require symfony-si/magento1-sl-si

And flush the Magento cache.

Option 3: Modman

Another modular installation and extensions management option is Modman. Inside Magento root folder run:

$ modman init
$ modman clone git://github.com/symfony-si/magento1-sl-si.git


Why are product attributes (Color, Weight, Tier Price, etc.) not translated?

All products have attributes assigned. They are set when you're setting up the store views or adding the products. You can localize attributes names at Catalog->Attributes->Manage Attributes. Open the wanted attribute, switch to Manage Label / Options tab and translate the attribute titles as needed. Follow the documentation for more info.

How to leave Magento admin interface in English?

Go to System->Configuration->General->Locale Options and set Locale to English (United States). Then in the dropdown on the left at Current Configuration Scope, select your website and set Locale to slovenščina (Slovenija).

How to customize translations?

Replacing core translations in app/locale/sl_SI folder is not advised because extension's updates will overwrite files in it.

If you'd like to replace some translations with your own, you can do so in the theme's translation.csv file. For administration add app/design/adminhtml/default/default/locale/sl_SI/translate.csv and override wanted translations. For your frontend theme add app/design/frontend/{package}/{your_theme}/locale/sl_SI/translate.csv and override translations.

Some translation overrides might also need the module name prefix in translate.csv:

"Mage_Catalog::Add to Cart","Dodaj v voziček"

When creating modules, translation files are defined in the config.xml:


Email templates can be customized either in administration at System->Transactional Emails or by adding file templates in the theme's locale folder with the same pattern as in the app/locale/sl_SI/template.

How to use TinyMCE editor translations?

TinyMCE editor in Magento 1 is by default using English language. Slovenian translation for TinyMCE is also enabled if you've followed one of the above installation procedures.

Which PHP versions are supported?

This sl_SI language pack supports all of the latest PHP versions including 5.3. Magento however recommends to use PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5 for current shipping versions (1.9.x). Magento 1 works fine also on PHP 7, however some minor hacks are required. Consider upgrading your server to PHP 7.

Which files/folders are included in the package?

Language pack consists of the following files/folders:

See also

Magento 1.x manages its core translations through a series of CSV files located in app/locale/. By default there is an en_US folder with English translations.

Magento 2

Looking for the current Magento 2? Slovenian translations for Magento 2 are also available on GitHub.

Contributing and license

Contributions and improvement suggestions are welcome. In case you find an issue with this extension, please open issue. The contributing document provides more info how to help out.

This repository is released under the Open Software License v. 3.0.

Magento administration:

Screenshot 1

Magento administration:

Screenshot 2

Tiny MCE editor:

Screenshot 3