


erlcscope builds a cscope compatible database for erlang files. The database can be used with any program which supports cscope along with the standard cscope -d command.


Requires Erlang and escript installed.

git clone https://github.com/syed/erlcscope.git
cd erlcscope

By default erlcscope will install the binary in /usr/local/bin. If you want to change the default location edit the DEST_BIN variable in the Makefile.

erlcscope uses rebar present in its directory for compilation. If you want to use a different version of rebar or add some extra paramaters, edit the REBAR variable in the Makefile

After making the necessary changes, compile and install by

make clean 
make install


cd /path/to/code
erlcscope .

by default erlcscope will look for a file named cscope.files which contains a list of all the source files that need to be processed. If no such file is present, it recursively scans the directory for erlang files and builds the database. It also stores the files found in cscope.files.

Right now erlcscope supports lookup of atoms,variables and functions. The main advantage of cscope over ctags is that it can also lookup where a function is called from instead of just the function definition.

If you are using vim and want to setup cscope, this tutorial details the process very nicely. This is the link for emacs users.


With cscope -d

alt text

With vim

alt text