

In-browser 3D visualization library for rapid prototyping with built-in support for diffuse view-dependent sparse volumes (PlenOctrees).

Install with: pip install nerfvis

Note: this is purely Python + webasm/js/css/html and installs instantly (does not need any C++ compilation).

Docs: https://nerfvis.readthedocs.org

Instant example: pip install nerfvis, then

>>> from nerfvis import scene
>>> scene.add_cube("Cube1", color=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
>>> scene.display(port=8888)

Inside a Jupyter notebook, you can try using scene.embed() instead.

For example of use with data visualization (not NeRF): http://alexyu.net/nerfvis_examples/bicycle_vis/ Data from Mip-NeRF 360 (Barron et al. CVPR 2022)

Please also see examples/nerf_pl for an example of how to visualize your own NeRF: https://github.com/sxyu/nerfvis/tree/master/examples/nerf_pl. You may also refer to the as the scene.add_nerf function doc: https://nerfvis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nerfvis.html#nerfvis.Scene.add_nerf

Based on PlenOctrees: https://github.com/sxyu/plenoctrees

The following screenshots are out of date but still convey some of the functionality:

Screenshot DTU skull

Screenshot NeRF-- Drone



Viewing a volume

from nerfvis import scene
import numpy as np

density = 1.0 / (np.linalg.norm((np.mgrid[:100, :100, :100].transpose(1, 2, 3, 0) - 45.5) / 50,
                         axis=-1) + 1e-5)  # (Dx, Dy, Dz)
color = np.zeros((100, 100, 100, 3), dtype=np.float32) # (Dx, Dy, Dz, 3)
color[..., 0] = 1.0
color[..., 1] = 0.5
scene.add_volume('My volume 1', density, color, scale=0.2, translation=[-1, 0, 0])

color[..., 1] = 0.0
scene.add_volume('My volume 2', density, color, scale=0.2, translation=[1, 0, 0])
scene.display() # or embed(), etc

For an example with a few more objects, see examples/hierarchy.py, which outputs http://alexyu.net/nerfvis_examples/basic_scene_with_volume/

Load a PlenOctrees checkpoint

For directly displaying a plenoctree checkpoint: examples/load_plenoctree_ckpt.py. Note that the checkpoint better be reasonably small or this will take forever...

from nerfvis import scene
# Download from
# https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1vGXEjb3yhbClrZH1vLdl2iKtowfinWOg
scene.set_title("Lego Bulldozer using nerfvis")
scene.add_volume_from_npz('Lego', "lego.npz", scale=1.0)
scene.display() # or embed(), etc

Visualizing SfM data


Note that OpenCV poses are now preferrred, although the original NeRF/PlenOctrees used OpenGL.

from nerfvis import scene
import numpy as np

scene.set_title("My Scene")

# Set -y up camera space (opencv coordinates)

# Alt set y up camera space (opengl coordinates, default)

# Example data
f = 1111.0
images = np.random.rand(1, 800, 800, 3)
c2ws = np.eye(4)[None]
point_cloud = np.random.randn(10000, 3) * 0.1
point_cloud_errs = np.random.rand(10000)

# To show errors as colors
colors = np.zeros_like(point_cloud)
colors[:, 0] = point_cloud_errs / point_cloud_errs.max()
scene.add_points("points", point_cloud, vert_color=colors)
# Else
# scene.add_points("points", point_cloud, color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

for i in range(len(c2ws)):
                 images, # Can be a list of paths too (requires joblib for that) 
                 r=c2ws[:, :3, :3],
                 t=c2ws[:, :3, 3],
                 # Alternatively: from nerfvis.utils import split_mat4; **split_mat4(c2ws)
   # r: c2w rotation (N, 3, 3) or (N, 4) etc
   # t: c2w translation (N, 3,)
   # focal_length: focal length (in pixels, real image size as loaded will be used)
   # z: size of camera

# Old way for reference
# scene.add_camera_frustum("cameras", r=c2ws[:, :3, :3], t=c2ws[:, :3, 3], focal_length=f,
#                         image_width=images.shape[2], image_height=images.shape[1],
#                         z=0.5, connect=False, color=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

# for i in range(len(c2ws)):
#    scene.add_image(
#                  f"images/i",
#                  images[i], # Can be path too
#                  r=c2ws[i, :3, :3],
#                  t=c2ws[i, :3, 3],
#                  focal_length=f,
#                  z=0.5)
#    # r: c2w rotation (3, 3)
#    # t: c2w translation (3,)
#    # focal_length: focal length (in pixels, real image size as loaded will be used)
#    # z: distance along z to place the camera

Example outputs (not quite the same code): http://alexyu.net/nerfvis_examples/basic_scene_with_volume/ http://alexyu.net/nerfvis_examples/bicycle_vis/ Data from Mip-NeRF 360 (Barron et al. CVPR 2022)

Time slider

Nerfvis has a time slider feature (top of the left sidebar). All add_* functions support a time=<int> kwarg which is default to -1 (visible at all times). You can set it to another number to enable the time slider and only show the object when it is set to that time. The time slider will be automatically updated to be between 0 and the max time amont all objects.

Visualizing NeRF directly through svox

This is the most flexible way to directly discretize and show a NeRF, albeit a bit clunky to use and requiring extra dependencies.

Example: please see examples/ for how to view NeRF models; currently contains an example for nerf_pl (https://github.com/kwea123/nerf_pl): Basic silica low

import nerfvis
scene = nerfvis.Scene("My title")
scene.add_cube("Cube1", color=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], translation=[-1.0, -1.0, 0.0])
scene.add_nerf("NeRF", nerf_func, center=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], radius=1.5, use_dirs=True)
# Tries to open the scene in your browser
# (you may have to forward the port and enter localhost:8889 manually if over ssh)

Use display(open_browser=False) to prevent opening the browser (while serving the website)

You can also add meshes, points, lines (see docs). Note that each object e.g. cube, mesh, points, etc. must have a unique name to identify it right now. You may programmatically generate this. They will show up in the layers pane (top right of the html viewer)

Please also pip install torch svox tqdm scipy for adding NeRF (set_nerf) or pip install trimesh for using add_mesh_from_file(path).

To add cameras (also used for scaling scene, initializing camera etc), use add_camera_frustum(focal_length=.., image_width=.., image_height=.., z=.., r=.., t=..)

Viewer Controls

Source of pre-compiled binaries

This project contains a index.html containing inlined wasm, which comes from volrend, the branch nerfvis_base, compiled using Emscripten as per the instructions in that repo.



If you find this useful please consider citing

      title={{PlenOctrees} for Real-time Rendering of Neural Radiance Fields},
      author={Alex Yu and Ruilong Li and Matthew Tancik and Hao Li and Ren Ng and Angjoo Kanazawa},

License: BSD 2-clause