The idea of our project is to use a subset of the IMDB movie dataset, taken from Kaggle: , to make an analysis of the evolution of the movie industry throughout the years. More specifically, we want to have have an economy-oriented approach, by looking at properties such as the budget or the return on investment, and see if trends can be determined from these.
Structure of the repository
- /: contains the final notebook, this README and the different folders.
- data/: Contains the data necessary for the project, such as .csv files and numpy arrays.
- milestones/: Contains the 4 milestone notebooks that were written during the semester.
- pictures/: Contains figures that were exported from our different notebooks.
- src/: Contains the python codes we wrote during the milestones to manipulate our data, such as scripts and functions.
The main code is in the jupyter notebook final_project_ntds_2018.ipynb.
Python functions
A few functions were developped in their own function file. These functions can be found in the folder src. The most important ones are the following:
- load_data contains multiple functions used to clean the initial dataset, create features dataframes and adjacency matrices.
- genre_graph contains functions used to create graphs based on the genres of the movies.
- test_success contains functions that reorder adjacency matrices based on kmeans results.