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<p align="center"> <img width="155" alt="SwiftBar Logo" src="Resources/logo.png"> </p>


Add custom menu bar programs on macOS in three easy steps:

You can get plugins from awesome BitBar repository, or in SwiftBar itself using the Get Plugins... menu item.

How to get SwiftBar

Download from GitHub Releases

or Install with Homebrew

brew install swiftbar

Runs on macOS Catalina (10.15) and up.

...or build it from source

Plugin Repository

SwiftBar is bundled with a Plugin Repository. You can access it at Swiftbar → Get Plugins...

<p align="center"> <img width="600" alt="A screenshot of SwiftBar’s Plugin Repository" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/222100/110520713-d5058000-80dc-11eb-9b15-baa09cb445bf.png"> </p>

If you want to add\remove plugin or have other questions about repository content please refer to this issue.

Creating Plugins

To add a new plugin to SwiftBar, you need to create an executable script following the required format (see below) and put it into Plugin Folder.

Plugin Folder

With the first launch, Swiftbar will ask you to set the Plugin Folder. SwiftBar will try to import every file in this folder as a plugin.


You can hide a folder by prepending . or using this command chflags hidden <folder name>.

Plugin Naming

Plugin files must adopt the following format:


Duration modifiers:

Example filename: date.1m.sh

Whether you are using a plugin from the plugin repository, or creating your own, plugins will initially appear in the menu bar in no pre-determined order. However, you can reorder how they appear by holding down <kbd>Cmd</kbd> and dragging them (this process can sometimes also be used on some other non-SwiftBar icons in the menu bar too). Plugin position will be remembered unless you change the name of the plugin file, in which case they'll need to be re-positioned again.

Plugin API

Plugin is an executable script in the language of your choice. When SwiftBar detects a new file in Plugin Folder it makes this file executable if needed and runs it.

Script should produce output (STDOUT) in the required format (see next chapter). Script errors should be redirected to STDERR.

Plugin API is adopted from the BitBar\xbar, which means that SwiftBar can run any existing BitBar\xbar plugin.

Script Output

When parsing plugin output SwiftBar recognizes the following blocks:

Header is everything before first ---. Each --- after the first one will be interpreted as a menu separator. You have one or more lines in the header.

The simplest plugin looks like this:

echo "This is Menu Title"

If you provide multiple titles, the provided titles will be cycled in the menu bar and shown in the dropdown menu:

echo "This is a primary Menu Title"
echo "This is a secondary Menu Title"
echo "This is a n-th Menu Title"
echo "---"
echo "This is not a Menu Title, this will be shown in the drop-down menu only"

Script output for both header and body is split by line (\n). Each line must follow this format:

<Item Title> | [param = ...] 



Text Formatting:

colorCSS color or HEX, light_color,dark_colorSets item text color. If only one color is provided, it is used for both light and dark appearance.
sfcolorCSS color or HEX, light_color,dark_colorSets SF Symbol color. If only one color is provided, it is used for both light and dark appearance. If you fame multiple SF Symbols you can provide different colors by adding index, like this sfcolor2
fontmacOS font nameSets font name to use in item text
sizeNumberSets item text size
mdTrueEnables markdown support in menu title for **bold** and *italic*
sfsizeNumberSets size for SF Symbol image embedded in text
lengthNumberTrims item text to a provided number of characters. The full title will be displayed in a tooltip.
trimTrueTrims whitespace characters
ansiTrueEnables support of ANSI color codes. Conflicts with: symbolize
emojizeFalseDisables parsing of GitHub style Emojis (e.g., :mushroom: into 🍄). Requires: symbolize=false when setting to true.
symbolizeFalseDisables parsing of SF Symbols (e.g., "SF Symbols Test :sun.max: :cloud.fill: :gamecontroller.fill: :bookmark: :sun.dust:"<img width="218" alt="Screenshot of SF Symbols" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/222100/102021898-2d80e780-3d51-11eb-9e99-c71e92d14837.png">). Always False on Catalina.


dropdownFalseOnly applicable to items in Header. When set to False, item will not be displayed in dropdown menu, but will be cycled in the menu bar.
alternateTrueMarks a line as an alternative to the previous one for when the Option key (<kbd style="font-size:medium"></kbd>) is pressed in the dropdown.
imageImage encoded in Base64, light_image,dark_imageSets an image for item. If only one image is provided, it is used for both light and dark appearance.
templateImageImage encoded in Base64Same as image, but the image is a template image. Template images consist of black and clear colors (and an alpha channel). Template images are not intended to be used as standalone images and are usually mixed with other content to create the desired final appearance.
sfimageSFSymbol nameSets an image for item from SF Symbol. Only available on Big Sur and above.
sfconfigSFSymbol configurationConfigures Rendering Mode for sfimage. Accepts a json encoded as base64, example json {"renderingMode":"Palette", "colors":["red","blue"], "scale": "large", "weight": "bold"}. Original issue #354
checkedTrueSets a checkmark in front of the item.
tooltipTextSets a tooltip for the item.
webviewTruePresent provided href as a webview, instead of standard menu bar menu
webviewwNumberSets webview width in pixels
webviewhNumberSets webview height in pixels


refreshTruePlugin Script will be executed on item click
hrefAbsolute URLSets an URL to open when item clicked
bashAbsolute file pathExecutable script to run in Shell
terminalFalsebash script will be run in the background, instead of launching the Terminal
paramsparam0=,param1=,param10=...Parameters for bash script
shortcutCMD+OPTION+THotkey assigned to item. If item is in header, hotkey will show the menu; otherwise, hotkey will launch associated action.

Environment Variables

When running a plugin, SwiftBar sets the following environment variables:

SWIFTBAR_VERSIONThe running SwiftBar version number (in x.y.z format)
SWIFTBAR_BUILDThe running SwiftBar build number (CFBundleVersion)
SWIFTBAR_PLUGINS_PATHThe path to the Plugin Folder
SWIFTBAR_PLUGIN_PATHThe path to the running plugin
SWIFTBAR_PLUGIN_CACHE_PATHThe cache to data folder, individual per plugin
SWIFTBAR_PLUGIN_DATA_PATHThe path to data folder, individual per plugin
SWIFTBAR_PLUGIN_REFRESH_REASONPlugin refresh reason\trigger
SWIFTBAR_LAUNCH_TIMESwiftBar launch date and time, ISO8601
OS_APPEARANCECurrent macOS appearance (Light or Dark)
OS_VERSION_MAJORThe first part of the macOS version (e.g., 11 for macOS 11.0.1)
OS_VERSION_MINORThe second part of the macOS version (e.g., 0 for macOS 11.0.1)
OS_VERSION_PATCHThe third part of the macOS version (e.g., 1 for macOS 11.0.1)
OS_LAST_SLEEP_TIMELast OS sleep date and time, ISO8601. Empty if OS didn't sleep since SwiftBar launch.
OS_LAST_WAKE_TIMELast OS wake from sleep date and time, ISO8601. Empty if OS didn't sleep since SwiftBar launch.

Script Metadata

It is recommended to include metadata in plugin script. Metadata is used in the About Plugin screen in SwiftBar. SwiftBar adopts metadata format suggested by BitBar\xbar:

# <xbar.title>Title goes here</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <xbar.author>Your Name</xbar.author>
# <xbar.author.github>your-github-username</xbar.author.github>
# <xbar.desc>Short description of what your plugin does.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image>http://www.hosted-somewhere/pluginimage</xbar.image>
# <xbar.dependencies>python,ruby,node</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.abouturl>http://url-to-about.com/</xbar.abouturl>
# <xbar.droptypes>Supported UTI's for dropping things on menu bar</xbar.droptypes>

Hiding default items

SwiftBar supports these optional metadata flags to hide default menu items:

# <swiftbar.hideAbout>true</swiftbar.hideAbout>
# <swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>true</swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>
# <swiftbar.hideLastUpdated>true</swiftbar.hideLastUpdated>
# <swiftbar.hideDisablePlugin>true</swiftbar.hideDisablePlugin>
# <swiftbar.hideSwiftBar>true</swiftbar.hideSwiftBar>

Option+Click will show all items: SwiftBar

Refresh schedule

A special tag can be used as an alternative to refresh interval defined in plugin's name, value adopts Cron syntax:

<swiftbar.schedule>01,16,31,46 * * * *</swiftbar.schedule>

You can configure multiple schedules, using the sepparator |:

<swiftbar.schedule>1 * * * *|2 * * * *</swiftbar.schedule>

Other Parameters

Metadata for Binary Plugins

For binary plugins metadata can be added as an extended file attribute:

xattr -w "com.ameba.SwiftBar" "$(cat metadata.txt | base64)" <plugin_file>

Plugin Types

Standard (default)

For Standard type of plugins, SwiftBar expects that plugin execution is finite, i.e., plugin runs and exits with output to stdout:

Optionally, a standard plugin can be run on a repeatable schedule, configured in the plugin's file name or schedule metadata property.


This plugin type is aimed for people who want to use Shortcuts app to create menu bar items. The Plugin API is pretty much the same as Standard. Create a Shortcut that outputs text in the required format, select this Shortcut in the Shortcuts Plugin section of SwiftBar's Settings, and you are good to go.

For Shortcuts plugins, SwiftBar provides a handy UI to configure refresh schedule.

Example Shortcuts:


Ephemeral plugins create menu bar items on demand by running SwiftBar's Shortcut action or calling a URL scheme. The Plugin API is pretty much the same as Standard.

Here are the parameters for the URL scheme:

Shortcuts Action is pretty self-explanatory.

This plugin type is best used for notifications or other temporary menu bar items.


Swiftbar launches a separate process for each Streamable plugin, which runs indefinitely until SwiftBar is closed or a failure. You should use Streamable plugins only when dealing with a stream of incoming events; an example could be financial market info read from a websocket or CPU load information for a remote computer.

To let SwiftBar know when to update the menu bar item, Streamable plugins must use a special line separator ~~~. SwiftBar will reset the menu item on each occurrence of this separator.

In the example below, SwiftBar will show "Test 1" in the menu bar for 3 seconds, then nothing for 5 seconds, and "Test 2" indefinitely.


echo "Test 1"
echo "---"
echo "Test 2"
echo "Test 3"
sleep 3
echo "~~~"
sleep 5
echo "~~~"
echo "Test 2"

You can mark a plugin as streamable with a special metadata property <swiftbar.type>streamable</swiftbar.type>

URL Scheme

Some notes:

refreshallpluginsnoneForce refresh all loaded pluginsswiftbar://refreshallplugins
refreshpluginname or plugin plugin nameForce refresh plugin by name. If provided, additional URL parameters are exposed as ENV variables to the pluginswiftbar://refreshplugin?name=myplugin
refreshpluginindex plugin index in menubar, starting from 0Force refresh plugin by its position in menubarswiftbar://refreshplugin?index=1
enablepluginname or plugin plugin nameEnable plugin by nameswiftbar://enableplugin?name=myplugin
disablepluginname or plugin plugin nameDisable plugin by nameswiftbar://disableplugin?name=myplugin
togglepluginname or plugin plugin nameToggle(enable\disable) plugin by nameswiftbar://toggleplugin?name=myplugin
addpluginsrc source URL to plugin fileAdd plugin to Swiftbar from URLswiftbar://addplugin?src=https://coolplugin
notifyname or plugin plugin name. Notification fields: title, subtitle, body. href to open an URL on click (including custom URL schemes). silent=true to disable soundShow notificationswiftbar://notify?plugin=MyPlugin&title=title&subtitle=subtitle&body=body&silent=true
setephemeralpluginname plugin name, should be unique. content - plugin content, exitafter - optionally set the lifetime of the menubar in secondsCreates an Ephemeral Plugin. To remove existing Ephemeral Plugin set it's content to an empty string ""swiftbar://setephemeralplugin?name=ephemeral&content=hi

Preferences aka 'defaults'

List of preferences that are not exposed in SwiftBar UI:

Logs and Error

If plugin fails to run SwiftBar will show ⚠️ in the menu bar, you can see details by clicking on Error in dropdown menu. Use macOS Console.app to view SwiftBar logs.


SwiftBar uses these open source libraries:

To freeze and secure dependencies these libraries are forked to SwiftBar organization.


SwiftBar can be translated here.

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