

Swift OpenAPI Hummingbird

Hummingbird transport for OpenAPI generator.

// Create your router.
let router = Router()

// Create an instance of your handler type that conforms the generated protocol
// defining your service API.
let api = MyServiceAPIImpl()

// Call the generated function on your implementation to add its request
// handlers to the app.
try api.registerHandlers(on: router)

// Create the application and run as you would normally.
let app = Application(router: router)
try await app.runService()


It is a common requirement that the router RequestContext is used in OpenAPI endpoints. You can do this by adding a middleware that stores your RequestContext type in a TaskLocal.

struct RequestContextMiddleware: RouterMiddleware {
    typealias Context = MyRequestContext
    @TaskLocal static var requestContext: Context?

    func handle(_ request: Request, context: Context, next: (Request, Context) async throws -> Response) async throws -> Response {
        try await Self.$requestContext.withValue(context) {
            try await next(request, context)

If you add a version of this middleware, replacing MyRequestContext with your own RequestContext type, to the end of your router middleware chain then it will be available from your OpenAPI endpoints via RequestContextMiddleware.requestContext.


To get started, check out the full documentation, which contains step-by-step tutorials!