


Ares is a Python Remote Access Tool.

Warning: Only use this software according to your current legislation. Misuse of this software can raise legal and ethical issues which I don't support nor can be held responsible for.

Ares is made of two main programs:

The Web interface can be run on any server running Python. The agent can be compiled to native executables using pyinstaller.


Install the Python requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Initialize the database:

cd server
./ares.py initdb

In order to compile Windows agents on Linux, setup wine (optional):



Run with the builtin (debug) server:

./ares.py runserver -h -p 8080 --threaded

Or run using gunicorn:

gunicorn ares:app -b --threads 20

The server should now be accessible on http://localhost:8080


Run the Python agent (update config.py to suit your needs):

cd agent

Build a new agent to a standalone binary:

./builder.py -p Linux --server http://localhost:8080 -o agent

To see a list of supported options, run ./builder.py -h

./agent/builder.py -h
usage: builder.py [-h] -p PLATFORM --server SERVER -o OUTPUT
                  [--hello-interval HELLO_INTERVAL] [--idle_time IDLE_TIME]
                  [--max_failed_connections MAX_FAILED_CONNECTIONS]

Builds an Ares agent.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
                        Target platform (Windows, Linux).
  --server SERVER       Address of the CnC server (e.g http://localhost:8080).
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file name.
  --hello-interval HELLO_INTERVAL
                        Delay (in seconds) between each request to the CnC.
  --idle_time IDLE_TIME
                        Inactivity time (in seconds) after which to go idle.
                        In idle mode, the agent pulls commands less often
                        (every <hello_interval> seconds).
  --max_failed_connections MAX_FAILED_CONNECTIONS
                        The agent will self destruct if no contact with the
                        CnC can be made <max_failed_connections> times in a
  --persistent          Automatically install the agent on first run.

Supported agent commands

<any shell command>
Executes the command in a shell and return its output.

upload <local_file>
Uploads <local_file> to server.

download <url> <destination>
Downloads a file through HTTP(S).

zip <archive_name> <folder>
Creates a zip archive of the folder.

Takes a screenshot.

python <command|file>
Runs a Python command or local file.

Installs the agent.

Uninstalls the agent.

Kills the agent.

This help.