


<!-- [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/swaroopsm/striker.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/swaroopsm/striker) -->

A Simple & Fast Static Site Generator. Striker has been released as a pre version as of now, to get reviews and bug reports.


<!-- Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'striker' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: -->
$ git clone git@github.com:swaroopsm/striker.git
<!-- $ gem install striker --pre -->


Create New Site

$ bin/striker new my-awesome-site
$ cd my-awesome-site
This creates the following directory structure:

Directory Structure

Contains all stylesheets.

Contains any files that you would like to include in your destination. 
Eg.: Files like sitemap.xml, robots.txt, .htaccess etc.

Contains pages that you would like to include in your templates
Eg.: header.html, footer.html, analytics.html etc.

Contains all javascripts.

Contains page specific images etc.
If you would lke to add an image to a page about-us, then you need to add it in media/images/about-us/image.png
If you would like to add an image that is available throughtout the site, like a logo.jpg, you can add it im media/images/logo.png

Contains all the pages that are in markdown.

Contains all your custom plugins. These plugins are written in ruby.

Contains markup for your pages.

Configuration file for the website, that striker depends on.

Configuration file for uploading your website on to your production server.

Create New Page

$ bin/striker page --new about-us --title "About Us" [--no-media | --no-image | --no-sound | --no-video]

Use the appropriate option if you need images or videos or sound.

This creates a page named about-us.md in pages/. The content is written in markdown. #####The front matter of this page looks like the following --- title: About Us author: Swaroop SM date: 2013-10-19 template: page ---

	### About Us

You can include any front-matter, but title, date and template are mandatory fields

The value that you specified for the template field, tells the gem to look for a file named page.html in the templates/ directory. Here you can specify the markup of your page.


Striker uses Liquid Templating. To define a new template add a file called my_template.html in templates/ and you can specify this template in your markdown pages.

Dealing with Images

Make sure you have ImageMagick installed.

Add thumbnail to a page.

If you would like to make an image appear on one of your pages, simply add an image named as thumbnail.(jpg|png|gif) to the images directory of your page. Eg.: If you would like to add a thumbnail to your about-us page, place a thumbnail.jpg in images/about-us/thumbnail.jpg

Then in your about-us.md you can use the custom liquid tag helper to output the image by doing:

{% thumbnail 250w 250h #[image-id] .[image-class] %}


thumbnail - the tag name
250w, 250h - The desired width and height that you would like to resize the image
#[image-id] - Specify id the the image tag
.[image-class] - Specify class to the image tag

You can specify the size of the image using width/height. or you can also scale the image. For Eg.: If you would like to reduce the size of the image to 50% of the original size, you can do the following:

{% thumbnail 0.5s #[image-id] .[image-class] %}

To display non-thumbnail images, drop images into the appropriate page's images/ directory. Then to display images in your template use the following:

{% for image in page.images %}
	<img src="{{ image.url }}" />
{% endfor %}
Start the Server
$ bin/striker strike

This starts the server at localhost and port 1619

Some Goodies:

Adding tags to pages

In your config.yml

name: tagged

This specifies the page that you want to serve for tags. For Eg.: if you want something like http://yoursite.com/blog/tags change it to the following:

name: tags
permalink: blog/

Creating markup for your tag template:

To provide markup for specific tag. Eg.: http://yoursite.com/tagged/ruby add markup in the following template.

Here you get the tagged variable that contains the following fields:

tagged.name: The name of the tag
tagged.pages: All pages that have the specified tag name
<!-- ##### Site Archive Archive of posts is quite commin in blogs. If you would like to add an archive to your site, follow the below steps: In your `config.yml` add the following if it does not exist: # archive: / OR archive: archive_url_name *Note:* For the archive to be fully functional and work as expected you need to provide the `date` in the front-matter of all your pages without which can lead to incorrect results. The templates for specifying the markup are in `templates/archive/yearly.html` and `templates/archive/monthly.html`. To access all site archives you can use `site.archives` in your templates To access a specific archive in your archive templates use the following: # {% for page in pages %} <a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a> {% endfor %} -->
Generating Sitemap

Sitemaps are useful for search engines to crawl url's on a website.

To generate a sitemap.xml and robots.txt run the following:

bin/striker sitemap

This generates sitemap.xml and robots.txt in the extras/ directory.

Helper Tags Available:

Share current page on twitter

{% tweet #[hashtag1 hashtag2 hashtag3] @[mention1 mention2 mention3] %}

Embed Github Gist

{% gist swvist 2692786 %}

Embed YouTube Video

{% youtube bNAyPK2O4fk 650w 400h %}

Embed Vimeo Video

{% vimeo 29897413 650w 400h %}

Embed SoundCloud Track

{% soundcloud 3058346 400w 200h %}

Include Page

{% include header %}


If you would like to target a particular content of your markdown in a specific html element in your template, then use the following in your markdown file:

{% section mysection %}
Hi, this is a section
{% endsection mysection %}

And you can display this section in your template by using:

{{ page.sections.mysection }}
<!-- #### Available Page Data *Note that all variables configured in the `yaml front-matter` for each page and all site config that is mentioned in the following section is availble with `page` and `site` variables. For Eg.: If you would like to display the page title you can use `{{ page.title }}`. Similarly to display the `site name`, you can use `{{ site.name }}`* Additional variables provided by `striker` for each page is as follows: | *Variable* | *Description* | | :---: | :------ | | name | *Name of the page that is url friendly* | | url | *The full url path of a page* | | thumbnail | *The image source, content-type and the url of the thumbnail for the page* | | filename | *The filename of the page* <br><br>Eg.: If you have a filename called `index.md` in your `pages` directory then the value for this will be `index.md` | | base_dir | *The filename without the extension* | | images | *List of all images w.r.t a page* | #### Site Configuration | Name | *Description* | | :----: | :--------- | | name | *Your Site Name.* | | port | *Port serving the site.* | | basepath | *Path where your website will be hosted.* For Eg.: If you would like to host it on `http://yourwebsite.com/blog`, then you will have to make this value as: `/blog` | | assets | *Directory where your stylesheets, images, javascripts etc. will be compiled to.* | | destination | *Directory where the entire site will be compiled to.* | | permalink | *Appearance of page urls.* <br><br> *style* - This can be either `:title` or `:name`. This creates pages with either the *title* specified in each page or *name* - the page name(eg.: index.md) <br><br> *pretty* - This is used to create pages with .html or not. It can either be `true` - creates a url like: `/about` or `false` - that creates a url like `/about.html` <br><br> You can also override this property by specifying this option in the `yaml front-matter` of your individual pages.| | tagged | *Used for adding tags to a site. Helpful if you are running a blog* <br><br> *style* - If you would like to create a url like `http://yoursite.com/tags` the value for this must be `tags` | | archive | *Specify the archive style*.<br><br> For Eg.: To have a archive url like `http://yoursite.com/archive/2013/09/`, then the value for this must be `archive` <br><br>If you would like to ignore a specific page to be listed in the archive you can add `ignore_archive: true` in the `yaml front-matter` of the respective page. <br><br>To have a archive url like `http://yoursite.com/2013/09/`, then the value for this must be `/` <br><br> To add your content for the `yearly` and `monthly` archive edit the `templates/archive/yearly.html` and `templates/archive/monthly.html` files respectively| | homepage | Make any of the pages in your `pages/` directory your site's homepage. For Eg.: If you have a `home.md` in your `pages/` directory and then add: `homepage: home`. This when compiled creates an `index.html` for your site | | include\_assets | Directories that you would like to be compiled into the `assets` directory of your site. | | include | Include any directories/files other than pages to be copied into the `public` directory. You need to specify them as an array of files/directories and this would recursively copy everything specified in the directory. A good example would be: <br><br> *include*: <br> - .htaccess | -->

Preview Site

$ bin/striker strike

To preview in your browser go to:


Preview Site Without Building

$ bin/striker strike --quiet

Build Website

$ bin/striker build

Generate the final website by creating a public/ directory

Upload/Sunc Site To Remote Server

$ bin/striker sync
<!-- ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request -->

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