

SpatialPrompt : Spatially aware scalable and accurate tool for spot deconvolution and clustering in spatial transcriptomics

Article url: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-024-06349-5
SpatialPromptDB database url: https://swainasish.github.io/SpatialPrompt/

Graphical overview

alt text SpatialPrompt integrates gene expression, spatial location, and reference single cell RNA sequencing data for spatial deconvolution.
For spatial clustering, tool requires only gene expression with spatial locations.

Installation using PIP

Platforms: Ubuntu: 22.04/20.04, Windows: 10/11, Mac-OS: Ventura - Python: 3.10 Preferable

pip install spatialprompt

Tutorials and Reproducibility section

Tutorial-1 (10X Visium human DLPFC dataset) (Figure 2)

Open In Colab

Tutorial-2 (10X Visium mouse cortex dataset) (Figure 3)

Open In Colab

Quick start

Spatial spot deconvolution

For spot deconvolutiom SpatialPrompt requires:

Import the library and download the data
import scanpy as sc
import spatialprompt as sp
import gdown
gdown.download("https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1n3ACaWjfjXJ8P6IJhxSUax_vBagIUPLV","sc_m_cortex.h5ad", quiet=False)
gdown.download("https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1h7E5nPs2ga1ixOBDjLJKK7V8xJq93ez5","st_m_cortex.h5ad", quiet=False)
Load the data into Scanpy and retrieve required information
sc_data = sc.read_h5ad("sc_m_cortex.h5ad")
st_data = sc.read_h5ad("st_m_cortex.h5ad")
#Requires raw data
sc_array = sc_data.X
sc_genes = sc_data.var_names
sc_labels = sc_data.obs.loc[:,"label"]
st_array = st_data.X.toarray()
st_genes = st_data.var_names
x_cord = st_data.obs.array_row
y_cord = st_data.obs.array_col
Perform Deconvolution
deconv_model = sp.SpatialDeconvolution()
cortex_predict = deconv_model.predict_cell_prop(sc_array,st_array,
                                                sc_labels,x_cord,y_cord )
Plot the results
for i in cortex_predict.columns:
    st_data.obs.loc[:,i] = cortex_predict.loc[:,i].values
              color=("L2/3 IT", 'L4', 'L5 IT', 'L5 PT', 'L6 CT', 'L6b',"Oligo"),

alt text

Spatial domain identification

For domain identification SpatialPrompt requires:

Import the library and download the data
import scanpy as sc
import spatialprompt as sp
import gdown
gdown.download("https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1h7E5nPs2ga1ixOBDjLJKK7V8xJq93ez5","st_m_cortex.h5ad", quiet=False)
Load the data into Scanpy and retrieve required information
st_data = sc.read_h5ad("st_m_cortex.h5ad")
#Requires raw data
st_array = st_data.X.toarray()
x_cord = st_data.obs.array_row
y_cord = st_data.obs.array_col
Perform spatial clustering
clus_model = sp.SpatialCluster()
cortex_domains = clus_model.fit_predict(st_array = st_array,
                                        x_cord = x_cord,
                                        y_cord = y_cord,n_cluster=20)
st_data.obs.loc[:,"SpatialPrompt: clusters"] = cortex_domains
Plot the results
sc.pl.spatial(st_data,color=("SpatialPrompt: clusters"),

alt text

Cite the article :

  title={SpatialPrompt: spatially aware scalable and accurate tool for spot deconvolution and domain identification in spatial transcriptomics},
  author={Swain, Asish Kumar and Pandit, Vrushali and Sharma, Jyoti and Yadav, Pankaj},
  journal={Communications Biology},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}