

Deprek8ion 🕵️‍


A set of rego policies to monitor Kubernetes APIs deprecations.

The Kubernetes API deprecations can be found using https://relnotes.k8s.io/?markdown=deprecated.

Docker image

The docker container contains the most recent version of conftest as well as the policies at /policies.

Image tags can be found at https://eu.gcr.io/swade1987/deprek8ion

Artifact Hub

The policies are also available at https://artifacthub.io/packages/opa/deprek8ion/deprek8ion.

Example usage

An example of how to use the docker container can be seen below:

docker run --rm --name demo -v $(pwd)/demo:/demo eu.gcr.io/swade1987/deprek8ion:1.1.17 /demo/ingress.yaml

Or directly pipe some resources into the container:

cat ./demo/ingress.yaml | docker run --rm -i eu.gcr.io/swade1987/deprek8ion:1.1.17 -