

this list is now archived - look inside https://github.com/sw-yx/brain if you would like an updated list! thank you.


how smart people launch things. My own launch was on July 1.

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Table of Contents

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Launches to study

Product (and Landing Page)Creator$$$/NumbersLaunch LinksMisc Info
🔥🔥Cracking the Coding CareerSwyx- 4k presales in week 1 - 4k endorsement sales in May - Presales + Day 1 = 25k - Month 1 lifetime sales: 40k- Apr Presale Tweet - May Dan Tweet - Jun launch delayed launch - July 1: PH, HN, Twitter, Dev.toLaunchLog
🔥🔥Refactoring to CollectionsAdam Wathan- 61k in 3 days. 100k in 3 months. 140k in 1yr. Jan 2019 200k. <br /> - 30k at $29-39 tier, 75k at $59-79 tier, 75k at $135-179 tier <br />Tweet, no HN, PH (33)Talk: Nailing Your First Launch, HN comment Podcast
🔥🔥Test Driven LaravelAdam Wathan- 3k customers <br /> - $249 full price, $149 prelaunch <br /> - US$85k on day 1 <br /> - over $500k as of jan 2019 <br />- Nov 2016 announce <br /> - WIP tweets (Dec 2016, Mar 2017, May 2017 with 40% presale discount, Nov 2017, Jan 2018) <br /> - Feb 13 2018 prelauch announcement <br /> - Feb 16 2018 launch tweet? <br /> - Mar 12 2018 followup tweet <br /> - Nov 2019 Black Friday Sale <br />- scope blew out, really too ambitious, wanted to launch by christmas. opted for early access, got trapped in promised content <br/> - keep it short. only 300 people out of 3k buyers finished the course
🔥🔥 Advanced Vue Component DesignAdam Wathan- price: 99/139 <br /> - $70k on day 1 <br /> - $230k as of jan 2019 <br />- Mar 28 2018: Announcement Tweet <br /> - WIP tweets: Apr 14 "broke ground" on recording, Apr 2018 free screencast<br /> - May 7 2018: email list tweet<br /> - May 9 2018: launch Tweet<br /> - May 25 2018: followup tweet<br /> - Jun 6 2018: Social Proof followup<br />- endorsed by Sarah Drasner, Jeffrey Way
🔥🔥🔥Refactoring UIAdam & Steve- $384k on day 1 <br /> - $968k in 1 month <br /> - now ~2m? (tailwind ui another 2m). in 2020, did 600k.to be completed- amazing goodreads <br /> - adam wathan 2020 review
🔥🔥The Good Parts of AWSDaniel Vassallo$5k presales, $45k in 2 weeks, $100k in 8 monthstbdhttps://www.indiehackers.com/post/how-i-made-210-822-selling-a-pdf-and-a-video-on-the-internet-028d5b0a2c
🔥🔥Everybody Can Build a Twitter AudienceDaniel Vassallo$100k in 2 months, $115k in 4 monthstbdhttps://www.indiehackers.com/post/how-i-made-210-822-selling-a-pdf-and-a-video-on-the-internet-028d5b0a2c
🔥Writing for Software DevelopersPhilip Kiely20k (521 at launch, 7 team)HN (267), patio11 tweet, Twitter<br /> $17k salesPodcasts: <br /> - Software Sessions<br /> - Entr. Coder <br /> - David Perell <br /> - SE Radio
🔥Sublime Text BookWes Bosto be completedHN (163)Talk: Creating and Launching Your Own Products
🔥Production Ready GraphQLMarc-Andre Giroux- Price: 39/99 with interviews and slack <br /> - $70k in Week 1 <br />- Started writing in June 2018<br /> - 2019: WIP updates in Mar, Jun, Jul<br /> - Mar 3: Launch announcement<br /> - Mar 24: Launch Tweet, HN<br /> - Mar 31: Update v1.2<br />- open sourced his pandoc stack<br /> - has goodreads reviews<br /> - launch tweet underperformed preannouncement!<br /> - podcast retro<br /> - sales = 1/3 tweet, 2/3 email?<br /> - seemed to abandon dedicated book twitter<br />
🔥De-Coding The Technical Interview ProcessEmma Bostian- $10 for single, $17 for both light and dark mode<br /> - $42k in 30 days via Gumroad<br />- Apr 22: 75% update<br /> - May 6: Dark mode<br /> - May 7: Launch Tweet<br /> - May 8: Moved to dedicated site- Giveaway copies to DiversifyTechCo and React Ladies<br /> - Retro blogpost<br /> - used Gdocs, Procreate, Mac Pages<br /> - 30day sale, moved to Egghead, 3 tiers<br />
🔨The Beginner's Guide To Creating & Growing Your BlogEmma Bostian4k presales in week 1- May 27: Announce Tweet<br /> - Jun 2: Donating proceeds<br />donating all proceeds
🔨Solid: Software architecture & design principlesKhalil Stemmlercant find- May 4 2019: "free book"<br /> - tweet in public from Aug 2019 to Oct 2019 to Dec 2019<br /> - still working on it in Jul 2020 <br />to be completed
🔥🔥The Complete Guide to Rails PerformanceNate Berkopec200kto be completedBlogpost . Used Gitbook for PDF/EPUB/MOBI
🔨React 2025Lee Robinson3k in preorders on day 1- May 18: Announce Tweet, HN, PH<br /> - May 24: Preorder Tweet<br />offered free access to old course (Mastering Nextjs) at $200 face value
🦗Mastering NextjsLee Robinson$11k in sales before making it free- Nov 4 2019: Launch Tweet, HN, PH<br /> - Feb 2020: relaunch on HN<br />seems a dud. not sure why.
🦗Builder BookKelly & Timurcant findcant findopen source
🔥🔥The DynamoDB BookAlex DeBrie- Price: 79/129/249 with supplments, code, & video walkthrus <br /> - code "HACKERNEWS" to save $20 on Basic, $30 on Plus, or $50 on Premium<br /> - ~200k? (guess)<br />- Nov 2019: AWS Data Hero, Book announcement<br /> - Dec 2019: most watched re:invent talk<br /> - Jan 2020: Leaving Serverless<br /> - Feb 2020: WIP updates<br /> - Apr 7 2020: Launch Tweet, HN<br /> - May 16 2020: HN relaunch (worked!)<br />- wrote the free DDB Guide first<br /> - endorsement by AWS (Rick Houlihan, GM of DDB, Jeff Barr)<br /> - Launch HN comment<br /> - Podcasts: <br /> - fullstack radio<br /> - serverless chats<br />
âť“Refactoring RailsBen Orensteinto be completed- Jun 2017: announcement, first teaser video - Oct 2017: launch - Nov 2018: 50% off sale - Dec 2018: Testing tips with plug - Nov 2019: another saleto be completed
🔥 The Tech Resume Inside OutGergely Orosz$15 book, $29 w/ video, free for those in need, PPPTotal ~$10k launch week<br />Day 1: 5.6K visitors, 840 clicks on "buy now", 300 sales. <br />Day 2: 5.6K visitors, 750 clicks on "buy now", 257 sales.to be completed
🔥 🔥CSS for JS DevsJosh W. Comeau$130https://twitter.com/JoshWComeau/status/1369664227934429184to be completed

Other infoproducts:

Good meta discussions:

All Adam Wathan interviews:

Required Reading

Gabriel Mercer on the SPF podcast adopts Tony Robbins' Business Mastery roles:

as solo product makers we do all 3.

Chris Guillebeau's 39 steps to launch PDF and Podcast Ep 1234

Launch by Jeff Walker - recommended by Emma Bostian



Austen Allred's Secret Sauce book talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6key9jl9w8Q

(thanks to @estevanmaito for the below)

An eBook pricing model that resulted in $100,000 in sales - How you price a product can have a radical impact on the revenue you make from it. My search for the perfect pricing model resulted in an additional $50,000 (a 170% increase) in revenue. Here’s how.

Six figures in 26 hours - Behind the Scenes of a $177,803 Hand Lettering Course Launch That Made the First Six Figures in 26 Hours

Mariah Coz presentation

The $61,392 Book Launch That Let Me Quit My Job - Within the first three days it generated $61,392 in revenue and gave me the confidence to quit my day job and work on my own ideas full-time. (You cited Adam, so you probably already read this, but I didn't found any mention to the email templates, so, here it is just in case)

Nailing Your First Launch - Adam Wathan - More details into the 'Refactoring to Collections' book launch

How I Made $40,000 Off A Book…Before I Even Published It. - Every product and marketing strategy is different and will yield different outcomes. Every product serves a different market need and some are more needed than others.

How mispricing an eBook got me the wrong readers. What I learned. - I had to completely remove it from sales too, to fix my mistake. That's me.

Mythbusting the best-practices of best-selling nonfiction, with April Dunford - with Rob Fitzpatrick

the Ladybug team on selling ebooks - self publishing, software, selling, pricing



Pricing page swipe file

Tax info



Podcast Sponsorship

wesbos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBlOxBQrP9I

Endorsements / Testimonials

REMEMBER: Your Landing Page with 8 testimonials does not need a 9th. Kick out the weakest of the bunch. - Rob Hope

<details> <summary> Example emails </summary>

My name is YOUR NAME and I've recently finished a book that I think you would be interested. It's called TITLE and it's DESCRIPTION OF THE BOOK. I've attached a sample of the book here to give you a better sense of it.


I'd be honored if you would consider looking at the book, and if it resonates with you, providing me with an endorsement. If you'd like, I can send you a full digital or paperback version of the book, whichever you prefer.


Thanks for your time and consideration,

Hi <author name>,

I loved your book <title> and found it enlightening because . . . ​<briefly explain>

I have a new book coming out this winter: <title>. It’s about <brief description, just two or three sentences>. I am in the process of gathering endorsements for the jacket. Would you consider providing a testimonial? I would be happy to send you sample chapters or the entire manuscript for review—whatever you prefer. Having your support would mean a lot to me.

Thanks very much for your consideration.

Warm wishes,

<your name>

<your website link so he/she can see you’re a pro>

Testimonial paid services

more for b2b saas


Landing Pages



Nice Landing page templates

see linked landing pages above

<details> <summary> Landing page section ideas </summary>

​[Bold statement showing what can be done]​ ​[Video] (optional)​ ​[Personal story how the product helped]​ ​[Show why they need it]​ ​[Problem the product solves]​ ​[Show what will happen if they don’t have it]​ ​[Testimonials]​ ​[Show different uses for the product]​ ​[What’s included in the product]​ ​[Personal stories]​ ​[Justify the price]​ ​[Industry Statistics]​ ​[Success case study]​ ​[Show the pricing options]​ ​[Satisfaction guarantee]​ ​[Justify the pricing even more]​ ​[How much better life will be with the product]​ ​[Pricing info]​ ​[Frequently Asked Questions]​ ​[Address Objections]​ ​[Contact Info]​ ​[About the creator]


Storybrand formula https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bKxm-LCspCyRYUcar8IrteaGECcNjBLBhOCDNCMFpak/edit?usp=sharing image image

Landing page checklist:

Community Landing Pages

**What they do well **

Landing Page Copy

Launch Email

Launch Tweets

Show HN posts




once purchased, move customer to a different list! don't keep selling sth they bought




Post Launch

Long Game





Getting Started