


Active angel investors in developer tools!

There is no particular order here but we aim to be high caliber level 1 angels.



This list has already helped connect startup founders to angels!

Confirmed investments:

Intros made for: EdgeDB, Lambdragon, Cloudthread, Fiberplane, Developer Acceleration, Apptim, Metricsbird.io, Onboardbase, Platformatic, Skytable, Palette.dev, Vyne, Kombai.io, Bandar Systems, Second.dev, Leap Labs, DeeptrustAI...

We also have founders in the community who have listed their own raises: Recursal.ai, Mycelial, Ivy DL, Flightcontrol...

And we sometimes meet up IRL! :)

For dev industry tracking see sw-yx/tracking.


We share dealflow in Discord (invite only) for now but may setup a newsletter/no-fee syndicate someday.


No particular order, please don't read anything into the ordering

I invest in pre-seed and seed devtool and datatool companies with Alven (Algolia, Grafbase, Dataiku, etc.), and selectively in web3 tooling (i.e. NFTport). I have been coding for derivatives trading desks since 2005, and have built internal data tooling for asset managers since then. I angel invest $5-25k in technologies that excite me, and mainly support the European ecosystem. Love working closely with founders on product strategy, GTM, key hires, fundraising and market intel and connectivity.

Angel Alums

Paused Investing but still open to chat/want to be on our list.

None currently! 🎉