

this list is now archived - look inside https://github.com/sw-yx/brain if you would like an updated list! thank you.


a curated list of awesome dev podcasts and why they are awesome. I don't like normal "awesome" lists because they are usually not well maintained and are typically placed without an explanation of awesome, so here i will actually go out on a limb and say what i think. i'm a webdev and former finance guy so those are my biases.

list started in response to AMA with @lucidsif

note: links are incomplete because i havent had the time to link stuff up, you're gonna wanna just punch them in to your podcatcher anyway

Technical Podcasts

1. Javascript

2. Non JS Webdev Technical podcasts

3. Non Webdev Technical podcasts

Entreprogrammer Podcasts

Crypto Podcasts

Nontechnical Podcasts

Generalist Podcasts (Nontechnical as well as Technical Content)

Dead Podcasts with good backlogs

TODO: Recommended but havent listened

Podcast Tools (from @BrianSchroer)