


tag-based semantic file system, in python, over FUSE. Pluggable aspects (parsing or interpretting). Querying and relations between tags/items. Modular architecture, allows different user-ends (fs/webdav/http/..), or backends (sql/rdf/..)

2011, hristo stanev + svilen dobrev

Fuselage (tagging file system)


== Available aspects/views/directories

In the mount point we have directories each representing a single aspect. These can be enabled/disabled from a list in config.py. Some aspects work with related objects and so they allow for filtering on relations to reach certain object. I call such aspects QAspects. Queries in QAspects are defined by type of operands and type of results. Logical intersection, union and negation can be applied over operands to scope the set of results. All QAspects share the same syntax for queries and the grammar is customizable in config.py.

Basic operations (replace leading ./ with actual mount-point path)

usual usecase