


DeepCU: Integrating Both Common and Unique Latent Information for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, IJCAI-19

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When using this code, or the ideas of DeepCU, please cite the following paper

 author = {Sunny Verma and Chen Wang and Liming Zhu and Wei Liu},
 title = DeepCU: Integrating both Common and Unique Latent Information for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI} Macao},
 pages     = {3627--3634},
 year      = {2019},

Dependencies / Notes

DeepCU is written in python3 with some code fragments copied from DCGAN implementation from Carpedm20.

Future research (ideas)

Please contact either Sunny Verma or Wei Liu at firstname.lastname@uts.edu.au if you're interested to collaborate on this!