

<h1 align="center">✨ moody ✨</h1>

Don't look down! 🚠


If you look down, you might miss out on some code getting inserted by your quick caffeine induced coding fingers! I would be a real shame if that happens when you are not in the mode for it. 🤦

I made this plugin so I could see which mode Neovim is in just by the color of CursorLine and CursorLineNr.

🎥 Video

Different modes, different CursorLine colours


Recording macro indicator in CursorLine


💾 Install

    event = { "ModeChanged", "BufWinEnter", "WinEnter" },
    dependencies = {
        -- or whatever "colorscheme" you use to setup your HL groups :)
        -- Colours can also be set within setup, in which case this is redundant.
    opts = {
        -- you can set different blend values for your different modes.
        -- Some colours might look better more dark, so set a higher value
        -- will result in a darker shade.
        blends = {
            normal = 0.2,
            insert = 0.2,
            visual = 0.25,
            command = 0.2,
            operator = 0.2,
            replace = 0.2,
            select = 0.2,
            terminal = 0.2,
            terminal_n = 0.2,
        -- there are two ways to define colours for the different modes.
        -- one way is to define theme here in colors. Another way is to
        -- set them up with highlight groups. Any highlight group set takes
        -- precedence over any colours defined here.
        colors = {
            normal = "#00BFFF",
            insert = "#70CF67",
            visual = "#AD6FF7",
            command = "#EB788B",
            operator = "#FF8F40",
            replace = "#E66767",
            select = "#AD6FF7",
            terminal = "#4CD4BD",
            terminal_n = "#00BBCC",
        -- disable filetypes here. Add for example "TelescopePrompt" to
        -- not have any coloured cursorline for the telescope prompt.
        disabled_filetypes = { "TelescopePrompt" },
        -- you can turn on or off bold characters for the line numbers
        bold_nr = true,
        -- you can turn on and off a feature which shows a little icon and
        -- registry number at the end of the CursorLine, for when you are
        -- recording a macro! Default is false.
        recording = {
            enabled = false,
            icon = "󰑋",
            -- you can set some text to surround the recording registry char with
            -- or just set one to empty to maybe have just one letter, an arrow
            -- perhaps! For example recording to q, you could have! "󰑋    q" :D
            pre_registry_text = "[",
            post_registry_text = "]",

💺 Setup

    NormalMoody = { fg = C.blue },
    InsertMoody = { fg = C.green },
    VisualMoody = { fg = C.pink },
    CommandMoody = { fg = C.maroon },
    OperatorMoody = { fg = C.maroon },
    ReplaceMoody = { fg = C.red },
    SelectMoody = { fg = C.pink },
    TerminalMoody = { fg = C.mauve },
    TerminalNormalMoody = { fg = C.mauve },
    blends = {
        normal = 0.2,
        insert = 0.2,
        visual = 0.2,
        command = 0.2,
        operator = 0.2,
        replace = 0.2,
        select = 0.2,
        terminal = 0.2,
        terminal_n = 0.2,
    -- will be overruled if HL groups are set
    colors = {
        normal = "#00BFFF",
        insert = "#70CF67",
        visual = "#AD6FF7",
        command = "#EB788B",
        operator = "#FF8F40",
        replace = "#E66767",
        select = "#AD6FF7",
        terminal = "#4CD4BD",
        terminal_n = "#00BBCC",
    disabled_filetypes = {},
    bold_nr = true,
    recording = {
        enabled = false,
        icon = "󰑋",
        pre_registry_text = "[",
        post_registry_text = "]",

🤯 Issues

🤔 Todo

⭐ Acknowledgments

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