


Install | Policies | How to use | Configuration

GitHub Actions linter for security best practices.

$ ghalint run
ERRO[0000] read a workflow file                          error="parse a workflow file as YAML: yaml: line 10: could not find expected ':'" program=ghalint version= workflow_file_path=.github/workflows/release.yaml
ERRO[0000] github.token should not be set to workflow's env  env_name=GITHUB_TOKEN policy_name=workflow_secrets program=ghalint version= workflow_file_path=.github/workflows/test.yaml
ERRO[0000] secret should not be set to workflow's env    env_name=DATADOG_API_KEY policy_name=workflow_secrets program=ghalint version= workflow_file_path=.github/workflows/test.yaml

ghalint is a command line tool to check GitHub Actions Workflows anc action.yaml for security policy compliance.

:bulb: We've ported ghalint to lintnet module

lintnet is a general purpose linter powered by Jsonnet. We've ported ghalint to the lintnet module, so you can migrate ghalint to lintnet!


1. Workflow Policies

  1. job_permissions: All jobs should have permissions
  2. deny_read_all_permission: read-all permission should not be used
  3. deny_write_all_permission: write-all permission should not be used
  4. deny_inherit_secrets: secrets: inherit should not be used
  5. workflow_secrets: Workflow should not set secrets to environment variables
  6. job_secrets: Job should not set secrets to environment variables
  7. deny_job_container_latest_image: Job's container image tag should not be latest
  8. action_ref_should_be_full_length_commit_sha: action's ref should be full length commit SHA
  9. github_app_should_limit_repositories: GitHub Actions issueing GitHub Access tokens from GitHub Apps should limit repositories
  10. github_app_should_limit_permissions: GitHub Actions issueing GitHub Access tokens from GitHub Apps should limit permissions
  11. job_timeout_minutes_is_required: All jobs should set timeout-minutes

2. Action Policies

  1. action_ref_should_be_full_length_commit_sha: action's ref should be full length commit SHA
  2. github_app_should_limit_repositories: GitHub Actions issueing GitHub Access tokens from GitHub Apps should limit repositories
  3. github_app_should_limit_permissions: GitHub Actions issueing GitHub Access tokens from GitHub Apps should limit permissions
  4. action_shell_is_required: shell is required if run is set

How to install

  1. Homebrew:
brew install suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint/ghalint
  1. Scoop
scoop bucket add suzuki-shunsuke https://github.com/suzuki-shunsuke/scoop-bucket
scoop install ghalint
  1. aqua
aqua g -i suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint
  1. Download a pre-built binary from GitHub Releases and locate an executable binary ghalint in PATH
<details> <summary>Verify downloaded assets from GitHub Releases</summary>

You can verify downloaded assets using some tools.

  1. GitHub CLI
  2. slsa-verifier
  3. Cosign

1. GitHub CLI

ghalint >= v1.0.0

You can install GitHub CLI by aqua.

aqua g -i cli/cli
gh release download -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint v1.0.0 -p ghalint_1.0.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
gh attestation verify ghalint_1.0.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz \
  -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint \
  --signer-workflow suzuki-shunsuke/go-release-workflow/.github/workflows/release.yaml


Loaded digest sha256:3e3fda71ffae83cf713295df2bef09fc268811deab11dea58d8caa287642c9dc for file://ghalint_1.0.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
Loaded 1 attestation from GitHub API
āœ“ Verification succeeded!

sha256:3e3fda71ffae83cf713295df2bef09fc268811deab11dea58d8caa287642c9dc was attested by:
REPO                                 PREDICATE_TYPE                  WORKFLOW
suzuki-shunsuke/go-release-workflow  https://slsa.dev/provenance/v1  .github/workflows/release.yaml@7f97a226912ee2978126019b1e95311d7d15c97a

2. slsa-verifier

You can install slsa-verifier by aqua.

aqua g -i slsa-framework/slsa-verifier
gh release download -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint v1.0.0
slsa-verifier verify-artifact ghalint_1.0.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz \
  --provenance-path multiple.intoto.jsonl \
  --source-uri github.com/suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint \
  --source-tag v1.0.0


Verified signature against tlog entry index 137012838 at URL: https://rekor.sigstore.dev/api/v1/log/entries/108e9186e8c5677a89619c7db02cfb94d2609666f60a8a48d41ee49b2e6553195f36fce510626ca7
Verified build using builder "https://github.com/slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@refs/tags/v2.0.0" at commit 292bc11372c8b0dc8dc23476bde9bab19c8d663b
Verifying artifact ghalint_1.0.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz: PASSED

PASSED: SLSA verification passed

3. Cosign

You can install Cosign by aqua.

aqua g -i sigstore/cosign
gh release download -R suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint v1.0.0
cosign verify-blob \
  --signature ghalint_1.0.0_checksums.txt.sig \
  --certificate ghalint_1.0.0_checksums.txt.pem \
  --certificate-identity-regexp 'https://github\.com/suzuki-shunsuke/go-release-workflow/\.github/workflows/release\.yaml@.*' \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com" \


Verified OK

After verifying the checksum, verify the artifact.

cat ghalint_1.0.0_checksums.txt | sha256sum -c --ignore-missing
  1. go install
go install github.com/suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint/cmd/ghalint@latest

How to use

1. Validate workflows

Run the command ghalint run on the repository root directory.

ghalint run

Then ghalint validates workflow files ^\.github/workflows/.*\.ya?ml$.

2. Validate action.yaml

Run the command ghalint run-action.

ghalint run-action

The alias act is available.

ghalint act

Then ghalint validates action files ^action\.ya?ml$ on the current directory. You can also specify file paths.

ghalint act foo/action.yaml bar/action.yml

Configuration file

Configuration file path: ^\.?ghalint\.ya?ml$

You can specify the configuration file with the command line option -config (-c) or the environment variable GHALINT_CONFIG.

ghalint -c foo.yaml run

Disable policies

You can disable the following policies.


  - policy_name: deny_inherit_secrets
    workflow_file_path: .github/workflows/actionlint.yaml
    job_name: actionlint
  - policy_name: job_secrets
    workflow_file_path: .github/workflows/actionlint.yaml
    job_name: actionlint
  - policy_name: action_ref_should_be_full_length_commit_sha
    action_name: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator
  - policy_name: github_app_should_limit_repositories
    workflow_file_path: .github/workflows/test.yaml
    job_name: test
    step_id: create_token

Environment variables

šŸ’” If you want to enable log color in GitHub Actions, please try GHALINT_LOG_COLOR=always



<img width="986" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13323303/216190768-cb09597f-5669-4907-b443-78d96b4491ab.png">


<img width="1023" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13323303/216190842-0c015088-dda2-4e6f-8dbe-2db89cfbf438.png">

How does it works?

ghalint reads GitHub Actions Workflows ^\.github/workflows/.*\.ya?ml$ and validates them. If there are violatation ghalint outputs error logs and fails. If there is no violation ghalint succeeds.