


Goctls is a powerful tools for simple admin to gen codes, based on goctl | Goctls 是一个为 simple admin 设计的代码生成工具, 基于 go zero 官方工具 goctl 开发而成

Install | 安装方法

go install github.com/suyuan32/goctls@latest

Features | 特性

本项目遵循 GPL 3.0 协议, 使用请注明出处. 原许可证位于 originallicense 文件夹下,为 MIT 协议.

This project uses the GPL 3.0 license, please indicate the source when using it. The original license is located in the originallicense folder under the MIT license.

go zero原版工具 | the original tools

Simple Admin Core https://github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-core