


This is a work-in-progress extension to implement the handy mode for VS Code.

Handy offers levels of keyboard bindings to incorporate them progressively. At the moment we have a small subset of commands described in the following sections.

You can change this level in your user settings handy-vscode level ("handy-vscode.level": 7 by default).

Level 1 - JLIK

Character and line movements with <kbd>Alt+JLIK</kbd> keys.

      |  I  |
.-----'     '-----.
|  J     K     L  |

This set of keys simulate the arrow keys of any keyboard but they are located in the home row mainly (JKL) so you don't have to move your hand to move the cursor:

And with the <kbd>Shift</kbd> modifier:

TODO: Jumping between string limits ("...") is not supported yet.

Balanced Expression

What is a balanced expression? It can be anything that is balanced in the actual programming language. For example, on mathematical expression, it should jump between (...)

x= ( (a+2)  * y -  (5*z) )
    ^-----^       ^-----^

On programming languages it should jump between balanced strings limits "...", scopes {...}, array indexer [...], etc. When none of these characters are found, it should move just through words.

Level 2 - NM

Prefix for commands with <kbd>Alt+M</kbd> and cancel action with <kbd>Alt+N</kbd>.

            |     |
      .-----'     '-----.
      |                 |
|  N     M  |

Level 3 - UO

Words movement with <kbd>Alt+U</kbd> and <kbd>Alt+O</kbd> keys.

      |  U  |     |  O  |
      |-----'     '-----|
      |                 |
|           |

Level 4 - ZB

Enables <kbd>Alt+ZXCVB</kbd> and <kbd>Alt+Spacebar</kbd>.

                                    |     |     |     |
                                    |-----'     '-----|
                                    |                 |
|  Z     X     C     V     B  |           |
'-----------.                 '-----------|
            |             SPC             |

Level 5

Enables <kbd>Alt+YH</kbd> keys.

                              |  Y  |     |     |     |
                              |     |-----'     '-----|
                              |  H  |                 |
|                             |           |
'-----------.                 '-----------|
            |                             |

Level 6 - WERD

Keys to delete characters and words.

      .-----------------.     .-----.-----.-----.-----.
      |  W     E     R  |     |     |     |     |     |
      '-----.           '-----|     |-----'     '-----|
            |  D     F     G  |     |                 |
|                             |           |
'-----------.                 '-----------|
            |                             |

Level 7

TODO Not available yet.