

House Staff Directory

A staff directory for the House of Representatives, using data culled from the House' quarterly disbursement records.

The House publishes each quarter's data by the end of the following quarter, so the records will generally be 3-6 months out of date.


Depends on Ruby 1.8.7 - not tested on anything higher. This needs to be updated.

Install dependencies with bundler:

bundle install

Copy config.ru:

cp config.ru.example config.ru

Copy config/config.yml.example:

cp config/config.yml.example config/config.yml

Run with unicorn:

bundle exec unicorn

Loading new staff records

It's an old, blunt, violent process.

  1. Get the CSVs generated from the sunlightlabs/disbursements process.

  2. Put them into the data/ directory and run:

rake load:all
  1. Wait for an hour or more as the data is blown away and reloaded from scratch. It's not very efficient, and the website will show incomplete data for that time.

  2. Update the 'as of' date displayed on the home page in views/index.erb to the last day of the quarter processed.

data/ expectations

The data/ directory expects four CSV files:

Why not the Senate?

The Senate's expenditure data is published every 6 months, can be quite out of date, and is much more difficult to parse than the House's.

Our parser for the House is here. The Senate parser is still experimental, but data can be found here.


Currently GPLv3.