


tru is an esoteric programming language of brackets with prefix-free code.


Below are some tru code examples.

# print hello world
# print 25th Fibonacci number
# sum first 1000 positive integers
# quine (outputs its own source code)


Tru is a stack-based virtual machine.

There are two built-in stacks which tru programs can manipulate using the following set of instructions.


(Start describing an integer to push
)Push the integer between the corresponding opening bracket to the current stack.
<><>><<Print character: Pop from the current stack and print the value as a UTF-8 character
<><>><>Print integer: Pop from the current stack and print the value as a number
<><>>>Integer input: Get an integer input and push to the current stack as a number
<><><Character input: Get an integer input and push to the current stack as a UTF-8 character
>>><<End: Specify the end of the program
>>><>Move: Pop from the current stack and push to the other stack
<><<Discard: Pop from the current stack and discard
>><<Duplicate the top value of the current stack
>><>Swap the top two values of the current stack
<<>Greater than
><>Select stack: Pop from the stack and set the current stack equal to the value. The stacks are indexed 0 and 1.
[Jump: Pop the current stack and jump to the matching ] if the value is zero
]Jump: Pop the current stack and jump to the matching [ if the value is non-zero
#Comment: ignore all characters that follow for the rest of the line

In summary, instructions are represented by only using bracket characters:

(, ), [, ], <, >

Instructions are prefix-free and can directly follow one another. For instance,


is equivalent to


Linebreaks and spaces

Linebreaks and spaces are permitted and ignored. However, numbers and instructions cannot be broken with linebreaks or spaces.

# Okay

# Not okay

# Okay

# Not okay

One can write a relatively readable tru program using linebreaks, spaces and comments. It can always be compressed due to the prefix-free nature of the instructions.

Tru VM implementation

Pytru is an official tru virtual machine implemented in Python. You can use it to execute tru code.

# pytru requires Python 3
python3 ./tru.py input_file_path


Apache 2.0