

EEW PostreSQL/PostGIS Database (PGDB) - Docker Container

This repo contains configuration files and necessary scripts that can create a docker container for the EDGI EEW PostgreSQL/PostGIS database (PGDB). The scripts were modfied from the edgi-govdata-archiving/ECHOEPA-to-SQL (https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/ECHOEPA-to-SQL) repo. The docker files were based on the postgis/docker-postgis (https://github.com/postgis/docker-postgis) with PostergreSQL 14 and PostGIS 3.3.

Creating the contrainer & loading data

  1. Set the password for the postgres user in the .env file.

  2. Create a mount point to store persistent data (e.g. edgipgdb_data) and update the mount point in the docker-compose.yml file. Note: be sure to have an enough storage space (>200GB) for large source files (CSV files and GIS files: >43GB) and PGDB (>91GB)

  3. Create the EEW PGDB container by running:

     docker compose up -d
  4. Populate ECHO EPA data:

     docker exec -ti echopgdb /bin/bash
     chmod +x prep-echoscripts.sh
     cd /var/lib/postgresql/data/echo_scripts

Note: Be sure to maintain the up-to-date Google Sheet. Refer to both Date Data Extracted on the ECHO Data Sources and Refresh Dates (https://echo.epa.gov/resources/echo-data/about-the-data#sources) and Last modified on the file download directory (https://echo.epa.gov/files/echodownloads/). Before running the scripts to update existing tables, be sure to remove files in the zips and CSV folders.

  1. Populate spatial tables (Census TIGER files and USGS WBD). Go to spatial folder and download/unzip tiger files to the tiger folder as instructed in the loadTIGER file.

     cd spatial
  2. download/unzip the USGS national WBD geodatabase to the spatial folder as instructed in the loadWBD file.

  3. Reset the passwords for the echoepa and echoepa_public users.

     psql -d slim_echoepa -U postgres
     ALTER USER echoepa_public WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '*******';
  4. Reset the privilege of the echoepa and echoepa_public users.

     GRANT ALL ON DATABASE slim_echoepa TO echoepa;
     GRANT TEMPORARY, CONNECT ON DATABASE slim_echoepa TO echoepa_public;
     GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO echoepa_public;
     GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO echoepa_public;