

Component, Koa & friends boilerplate

Boilerplate for a Koa backend and a frontend built using component with emphasis on using light-weight dependencies.

The project incorporates following "features":

Server includes following examples:

Client includes following examples:

Inspired by and in part adapted from projects such as boilerplate-koa, component.io and others.

Requires following tools on PATH

Running example

$ ./setup.sh
Installing tools
-- Component
-- Supervisor
-- Mocha
Installing dependencies

$ ./devel.sh
Installing dependencies
Setting environment to development
Starting application


Starting server in development mode
Application listening on port 9000.


  1. Hit setup.cmd (may need to be run as administrator as it contains npm global installs)
  2. Hit devel.cmd
  3. Success

unix and derivatives

  1. ./setup.sh
  2. ./devel.sh
  3. Success