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Monetize.js is an Event-driven library that serves as a wrapper and simulator for Web Monetization API.


Installing Monetize.js

Using npm

npm install monetize

// Using it
const monetize = require('monetize');

Using unpkg CDN:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/monetize@latest/dist/monetize.js"></script>


Multiple examples has been created using monetize.js you can find them in this examples folder.

Monetize.js API

As soon as you import Monetize.js it will start observing the head tag to see if there's a pointer to pick.

Watching Monetization events

You can simply start using static mode by manually adding the payment pointer to the head tag:


Then in your code you can listen to the different event using

monetize.when('start').then((event) => {
    // Your event listener logic here.

monetize.when('progress').then((event) => {
    // Your event listener logic here.

Note: This is not a promise.The chained then here will be called multiple time as long as the monetizationstart event is fired.

Event mapping

Monetize.js eventOriginal event

You can learn more about the event object passed to each event from the list by exploring Monetization Javascript API documentation.

Custom events

The library is aimed to support custom event too. For now it supports the following custom event:

pointer_changedFired when a new pointer has been detected in the head.

Dynamic pointers

The library provide multiple ways for dynamic pointer configuration:

Single Pointer

// Encapsulated mode
const p = '$alice.example';

monetize.pointer(p).then((watcher) => {
    // monetizationstart event has been fired.

    // Get the `monetizationstart` event object detail
    const { paymentPointer, requestId } = watcher.event.detail

    // If you would like to verify the session id in the back end. You will need to do it here
    verifySession(paymentPointer, requestId)

    watcher.when('progress').then((event) => {
        // You can verify the payment here
        if (! verifyPayment(event.detail)) {

        // Your event listener logic.

// Free mode
monetize.when('start').then((event) => {
    // your logic here

monetize.when('progress').then((event) => {
    // your logic here


if no pointer has been provided or the Monetization API is disabled an error will be thrown that you can catch via catch method:

.catch((error) => {

Note: You can omit then and shortcut to catch directly.

Only add the meta tag

if you wish to change or just add a pointer to the meta tag without the extra encapsulation you can just call set method.


Note: this method won't perform any extra validation it will add the passed value as it is. Passing invalid value would interrupt the payment process.

Multiple Pointers

If you have a list of pointer to chose from you can use the `pluck' method to randomly pick a pointer from the list.

const pointers = [

// Randomly picking a pointer.

// Or using encapsulation.

// Error aware encapsulation.

If you would like to assign a probability for each pointer you can do that by passing an object to pluck function like the example below:

// Probability for each pointer. Must sum to 1
const pointers = {
  '$alice.example': 0.6,
  '$bob.example': 0.05,
  '$connie.example': 0.30,

// Randomly picking a pointer.

// Or using encapsulation.

// Error aware encapsulation.

Cycle through Pointers

Sometimes picking a single pointer on page load isn't enough. For that, you may consider using cycle and probabilisticCycle to cycle through a list of pointers for a given timeout


   * Sequentially cycle through the given pointers.
   * @param {string[]} pointers list to pick from.
   * @param {number} timeout how often the pointer should be changed.
   * @param {function} callback an optional callback to control how a pointer is chosen. It must return a pointer otherwise it will be ignored.
   * @returns {PromiseLoop}
  cycle(pointers, timeout = 3000, callback);

the following example illustrate how to use it:

    const pointers = [

    // Simple usage.
    monetize.cycle(pointers, 5000);

    // Use `then` to listen for the first pointer `monetizationstart` event.
    monetize.cycle(pointers, 5000).then(...).catch(...);


probabilisticCycle(pointers [, timeout])

the following example illustrate how to use it:

    const pointers = {
      '$alice.example': 0.6,
      '$bob.example': 0.05,
      '$connie.example': 0.30,

    // Simple usage.
    monetize.probabilisticCycle(pointers, 5000);

    // Use `then` to listen for the first pointer `monetizationstart` event.
    monetize.probabilisticCycle(pointers, 5000).then(...).catch(...);

⚠ Important

Only one cycle-through is allowed. Hence always the last list will be used.

Consider the following code in a single page:

    monetize.cycle(pointers1, 2000);
    monetize.probabilisticCycle(pointers4, 4000);

The library will only cycle through pointers4 list.


State checking

You can at any time check for the monetization status by calling:

isEnabled()Check if the Monetization API is supported by the current browser.
isSending()Check if there's a monetization stream going on.
isStopped()Check if the service is idle.
isPending()Check if the service is waiting for the first payment.

Add state classes

You can use monetize.js to add different classes to the body tag. To do so you need to use the setup method to override the default config and enable the classes.

    addClasses: true,

// it's possible to chain it with other methods
monetize.setup({ ... }).pointer('$test').then(...);

Available classes

Class nameDescription
js-monetization-disabledAdded when the API is not supported in the browser.
js-monetization-enabledAdded when the API is supported in the browser.
js-monetization-pendingAdded when the state is pending
js-monetization-stoppedAdded when the state is stopped
js-monetization-sendingAdded when the state is started

Override the default classes

To override the default classes you will need to send an extra property for the setup method:

const config = {
    addClasses: true,
    classes: {
        disabled: 'js-monetization-disabled',
        enabled: 'js-monetization-enabled',
        pending: 'js-monetization-pending',
        stopped: 'js-monetization-stopped',
        sending: 'js-monetization-sending',


Amount API

The monetize object leverage an extra API that keeps track of the streamed amount.

The following is basic example on how to get the total streamed amount and currency for a given pointer.

Note: to use Amount API you must use one of these methods first: pointer, pluck, cycle or probabilisticCycle to setup the basic infrastructure for the API.

const pointer = '$example';


// Get the Raw amount sent.
const amount = monetize.amount.getPointerTotal(pointer);
// => output: 5258

// Or get the Formatted amount
const amount = monetize.amount.getPointerTotal(pointer, true);
// => output: 0.035

// Get the currency
const currency = monetize.amount.getPointerCurrency(pointer);

Dealing with multiple pointers

If your page is using multiple pointers at the same time you can get the total streamed amount grouped by currency using total method:


// Raw total
const total = monetize.amount.total()

// Formatted total
const total = monetize.amount.total(true)

Example returned value.
    usd: 5825,
    XRP: 8875,

Note: if all pointers have the same currency the amount of that currency will be returned instead.


Beside the core library, a powerful Web Monetization simulator is shipped. It does not require any extension installed or to be executed inside an iFrame.

An example for simulator in action.

Simulator example

How to use

If installed using npm

const monetize = require('monetize');
const simulator = require('monetize/dist/simulator');

Or using a CDN

<!-- Core library -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/monetize@latest/dist/monetize.js"></script>

<!-- Simulator -->
<!-- The simulator uses the core library hence it must be called after it. -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/monetize@latest/dist/simulator.js"></script>

All what you need is calling the simulator script. It will take care of the rest.

Payment states

The simulator has 4 states showed in the dollar sign icon.

How it work

The reason why the simulator it does not require a payment provider extension or be run in a iFrame is due the fact that it mock the Monetization API when it's not supported.

Contributing to Monetize.js

To contribute to Monetize.js, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Install all the dependencies: npm install
  4. Make your changes and commit them: npm run commit [ see below ]
  5. Push the changes to your fork: git push
  6. Create the pull request.

Commits convention

The project uses semantic releases to automatically push new releases. Hence a set of convention has been established. Committing your changes through the npm run commit command will walk you through the commit content structure that you need to create.

Commit hooks

Before adding a commit two verification will take place:

Both of them have to succeed in order to validate the commit.


This project is licensed under the MIT Licence.

Copyright (c) 2020 Mazen Touati