Dependency Update Scripts
We run dependency updates for Ruby and JavaScript projects once a week via SUL CI. The script can also be run locally as necessary (e.g. security patches).
The Process
Phase 1: Script
Jenkins run the script and PRs are created via the sul-devops-team
account. If a pre-existing PR with the title update-dependencies
is open, a PR is not created. Builds are triggered by the following scenarios:
- Monday morning before business hours
- A PR in
is merged into main- To kill unnecessary builds: ➡️ Build History ➡️ Cancel build button (🆇)
Phase 2: Reporting
A gem version report will be sent to the #dlss-access-team slack channel. The output of the messages can be used to populate the team tracking spreadsheet with links to the PRs.
Phase 3: Team Review
Devs tag team on reviewing and merging PRs. Manual remediation of PRs may be necessary.
Phase 4: Deployment
After PRs are merged, devs will deploy to all available project environments (dev, stage, uat, prod etc.) unless the project requires release notes and internal communication.
Modifying scripts
Secrets need to be configured via the Jenkins UI. Once configured there, they need to be added to the Jenkinsfile. Build triggers are also configured via Jenkinsfile.
Requirements for running the script locally
- hub
- Bundler
- sidekiq pro key (for exhibits only)