

👨🏽‍💻 Grunty

Self-hosted desktop app to have AI control your computer, powered by the new Claude computer use capability. Allow Claude to take over your laptop and do your tasks for you (or at least attempt to, lol). Written in Python, using PyQt.


Here, I asked it to use vim to create a game in Python, run it, and play it.


Video was sped up 8x btw. Computer use is pretty slow as of today.

⚠️ Important Disclaimers

  1. This is experimental software - It gives an AI control of your mouse and keyboard. Things can and will go wrong.

  2. Tread Lightly - If it wipes your computer, sends weird emails, or orders 100 pizzas... that's on you.

Anthropic can see your screen through screenshots during actions. Hide sensitive information or private stuff.

🎯 Features

💻 Platforms

🛠️ Setup

Get an Anthropic API key here.

# Python 3.10+ recommended
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # or `venv\Scripts\activate` on Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Add API key to .env
echo "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-key-here" > .env

# Run
python run.py

🔑 Productivity Keybindings

💡 Tips

🐛 Known Issues

🤝 Contributing

Issues and PRs are most welcome! Made this is in a day so don't really have a roadmap in mind. Hmu on Twitter @ishanxnagpal if you're got interesting ideas you wanna share.

📄 License

Apache License 2.0