

Figma - 2023-11-09 42@2x

Melatonin Blur is a batteries-included, cross-platform CPU blur and shadow compositing library for the JUCE C++ framework.

Batteries-included means it aims to give you everything out of the box:

The goal: modern vector interfaces in JUCE (100s of shadows) without having to resort to deprecated solutions with lower quality of life (looking at you, OpenGL on macOS!).


Melatonin Blur provides a 10-30x speedup over using Stack Blur alone.

<img src="https://github.com/sudara/melatonin_blur/assets/472/598115b8-9c9d-42d8-b868-e921978cda17" width="550" />

On macOS, it depends on the built-in Accelerate framework.

On Windows, it optionally depends on the Intel IPP library. If IPP is not present, it will fall back to a JUCE FloatVectorOperations implementation for single channel (shadows, etc) and Gin's Stack Blur for ARGB.

Interested in how the blurring works? I wrote an in-depth article about re-implementing Stack Blur 15+ times.


The docs have outgrown a README file, visit the new documentation


There's all the usage information you could want over at the official docs
