


This repository contains snippets files for Arduino, for the famous UltiSnips plugin for Vim.

How to install

Unfortunately there are many ways to how to install vim plugins. If you don't see your preferred way of installation plugins please consider updating this section. Basically, installation consists of 2 simple steps:

Using Vundle

    " Install snipmate:
    Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips'

    Install :
    Plugin 'sudar/vim-arduino-snippets'

    And :PluginInstall


If you would like to contribute to this project, then just fork it in github and send a pull request. If you are not familiar with git or github, then you can use this guide to understand how to fork and send pull request.


The source code and the config files are released under "THE BEER-WARE" license.

I would, however, consider it a great courtesy if you could email me and tell me about your project and how this code was used, just for my own continued personal gratification :)

You can also find other ways to make me happy, if you liked this project ;)