

Tree View Git Status package

This project is no longer maintained as Atom and all repositories under Atom will be archived on December 15, 2022. Learn more in the official announcement. Thank you for your interest in this project and your support!

Version Downloads

Show the Git repository status in the Atom tree-view.



Screenshot Settings


apm install tree-view-git-status


CSS Branch Styling

Screenshot CSS Branch Styling

Via the user's custom Atom CSS stylesheet (Settings > Themes > "Edit Stylesheet") you can individually style the Tree View Git status labels as shown above. An example stylesheet can be found here.

Git Flow

Screenshot Git Flow

This plugin supports Git Flow if you've configured your repository to use it. By default Octicons are used to indicate the various states of the flow process but you can also choose to just show the colorized branch name.

Note: Git Flow "support" branches are not yet supported and they're only available in the gitflow-avh fork of Git Flow.


In order to use this feature you've to install Git Flow and run git flow init on the repository you want to work on.
