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Generate file using template from environment, arguments, json/yaml/toml config files.

   frep - Generate file using template

   frep [options] input-file[:output-file] ...


   Guoqiang Chen <subchen@gmail.com>

   -e, --env name=value    set variable name=value, can be passed multiple times
       --json jsonstring   load variables from json object string
       --load file         load variables from json/yaml/toml file
       --no-sys-env        exclude system environments, default false
       --overwrite         overwrite if destination file exists
       --dryrun            just output result to console instead of file
       --strict            exit on any error during template processing
       --delims value      template tag delimiters (default: {{:}})
       --missing           handling of missing vars, one of: default/invalid, zero, error (default: default)
       --help              print this usage
       --version           print version information

   frep nginx.conf.in -e webroot=/usr/share/nginx/html -e port=8080
   frep nginx.conf.in:/etc/nginx.conf -e webroot=/usr/share/nginx/html -e port=8080
   frep nginx.conf.in --json '{"webroot": "/usr/share/nginx/html", "port": 8080}'
   frep nginx.conf.in --load config.json --overwrite
   echo "{{ .Env.PATH }}"  | frep -


v1.3.13 Release: https://github.com/subchen/frep/releases/tag/v1.3.13


You can run frep using docker container

docker run -it --rm subchen/frep --help


Load template variables



Templates use Golang text/template.

You can access environment variables within a template

Env.PATH = {{ .Env.PATH }}

If your template file uses {{ and }} as part of it's syntax, you can change the template escape characters using the --delims.

frep --delims "<%:%>" ...

There are some built-in functions as well: Masterminds/sprig v2.22.0

More funcs added:

Sample of nginx.conf.in

server {
    listen {{ .port }} default_server;

    root {{ .webroot | default "/usr/share/nginx/html" }};
    index index.html index.htm;

    location /api {
        {{ include "shared/log.nginx" | indent 8 | trim }}
        proxy_pass http://backend;

upstream backend {
{{- range .servers }}
    server {{.}};
{{- end }}

Sample using secrets, first of all take into account that in order to use the secret functionality you need to have a proper AWS configuration in place and permissions enough to read secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. More details of how to configure AWSCLI can be found at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html

Once you have all the requirements just create a template like this one:

# application.conf
mysql_host: {{ .mysql_host }}
mysql_user: {{ .mysql_user }}
mysql_pass: {{ awsSecret "application/mysql/password" }}

In above example mysql_host and mysql_user will be filled as usual by using frep config file or environment variables but mysql_pass will be fetch straight from AWS Secrets Manager by looking at secret name application/mysql/password

If you have multiple items in a single secret you can retrieve an specific key by specifying the key you want in template, for example:

# application.conf
mysql_host: {{ .mysql_host }}
mysql_user: {{ .mysql_user }}
mysql_pass: {{ awsSecret "application/mysql/password" }}

external_api_client: {{ awsSecret "application/external_api" "client_id" }}
external_api_secret: {{ awsSecret "application/external_api" "secret_key" }}

Sample using AWS Parameter Store, first of all take into account that in order to use the ssm functionality you need to have a proper AWS configuration in place and permissions enough to read parameters from AWS Parameter Store. More details of how to configure AWSCLI can be found at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html

Once you have all the requirements just create a template like this one:

# application.conf
mysql_host: {{ .mysql_host }}
mysql_user: {{ .mysql_user }}
mysql_pass: {{ awsSecret "application/mysql/password" }}
mysql_dns: {{ awsParameterStore "application/mysql/dns" }}

In above example mysql_dns will be filled as usual by using frep config file or environment variables but mysql_pass will be fetch straight from AWS Parameter Store by looking at application/mysql/dns

SSM Limitation: You can get parameter from ParameterStore just in textplain.