


npm Node.js open collective badge

instant-markdown-d is a small Node.js server that enables instant compilation and previewing of Markup files. A plugin can easily be written for any text editor to interface with it. One currently exists for Vim: https://github.com/instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown


Install the mini-server by running either:

[sudo] npm -g install instant-markdown-d

or using yarn (not recommended. See issue #86):

[sudo] yarn global add instant-markdown-d

To install from the bleeding edge development version, read the contributing guide. See vim-instant-markdown for Vim / Neovim integration.


ActionHTTP MethodRequest URLRequest Body
Refresh Markdown on pagePUThttp://localhost:\<port><New Markdown file contents>
Close WebpageDELETEhttp://localhost:\<port>

By default, <port> is 8090

Environment variables