



A suite of tools to generate beautiful annotated, animated KML/KMZ files (and other data) from inav blackbox logs, OpenTX log files (inav S.Port telemetry, some support for OpenTX logs from Ardupilot), BulletGCSS and Aurduplot .bin logs. Also supports MW XML mission files and geospatial elements from CLI diffs (safehome, fwapproach and future geozone).

INAV Fight Mode layer

<figure> <img src="manual/docs/images/v1.jpeg" alt="FlightModes" style="width:100%"> </figure>

RSSI layer

<figure> <img src="manual/docs/images/v2.jpeg" alt="RSSI" style="width:100%"> </figure>

Efficiency layer

<figure> <img src="manual/docs/images/v3.jpeg" alt="Efficiency" style="width:100%"> </figure>

Point Annotation

<figure> <img src="manual/docs/images/v4.png" alt="Annotation" style="width:100%"> </figure>


$ bbsummary /t/inav-contrib/LOG00031.TXT
Log      : LOG00031.TXT / 1
Flight   :  on 2021-05-24 14:07:28
Firmware : INAV 2.6.1 (5510259e) OMNIBUSF4PRO of May  7 2021 14:19:33
Size     : 29.48 MB
Altitude : 113.0 m at 10:34
Speed    : 20.8 m/s at 07:24
Range    : 4461 m at 08:08
Current  : 7.4 A at 00:05
Distance : 12170 m
Duration : 14:05
Disarm   : Switch


User Guide & Installation Instructions

Graphical User Interface

There is a graphical user interface for flightlog2kml. Binaries are provided for Linux (.deb). There may also be a Windows installer.

Other tools

The project includes the following:

For details in the User Guide & Installation Instructions.