

UF2-ChibiOS Bootloader for STM32H7

This bootloader implements firmware updating via USB mass storage using the UF2 format. It uses ChibiOS HAL and OS. It currently supports the STM32H7 microcontroller on the Striso board and the ST-Nucleo-H743ZI, and should be easy to port to other boards and microcontrollers.

This bootloader is developed for the Striso board MPE MIDI controller, and borrows parts from the STM32F UF2 bootloader.


Build instructions

Init submodules.

To build run make -f make/BOARDNAME.make in this folder.

The binaries will be in build/BOARDNAME. The following files will be built:

Adding boards

It should be relatively easy to port this bootloader to other boards and microcontrollers supported by ChibiOS. Note that the board.c file needs to have a call to pre_clock_init() for the bootloader jump. Also note that for the bootloader to work there need to be multiple flash sectors available, so the STM32H7 value line with only 1 sector of 128kB is not supported.