

Please read bellow to make sure these tools will work with your system

Has been tested with boto version 2.31.1 and 2.38.

Eucalyptus private cloud is API compatible with Amazon EC2. The scripts on this repo are extending the spark-ec2 tools to deploy Spark in standalone mode in a Eucalyptus cluster but also Mesos, Spark, Hadoop, Storm, Hama and others in a cluster managed by Mesos. You can find the original scripts to deploy Spark on AWS here: https://github.com/mesos/spark-ec2. The scripts can be used unmodified with Eucalyptus. If you want to use Amazon you should copy the connector from the spark-ec2 repo. The current git repo might contain code from the original spark tools that is not currently used for the installation to Eucalyptus.


This repository contains the set of scripts used to setup:

  1. A Spark standalone cluster from scratch (emi or ami with Ubuntu 12.0.4) or
  2. A Mesos cluster with Spark, Spark-Streaming, MapReduce, Storm, Kafka and Hama running on Eucalyptus. The deployment code supports installation both from a completely empty Ubuntu 12.04 precise emi or from a preconfigured emi with hdfs, mesos, hadoop and spark already installed.

In both cases I am assuming you already have a running eucalyptus cluster. The scripts require that Eycaluptus is already installed and then create the instances to run your cluster according to the EMI you specify.

Environment setup

EUCA_KEY_DIR=$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}); pwd -P)
export EC2_URL=http://[WALRUS_IP]:8773/services/Eucalyptus
export S3_URL=http://[WALRUS_IP]:8773/services/Walrus
export EUARE_URL=http://[WALRUS_IP]:8773/services/Euare
export TOKEN_URL=http://[WALRUS_IP]:8773/services/Tokens
export AWS_AUTO_SCALING_URL=http://[WALRUS_IP]:8773/services/AutoScaling
export AWS_CLOUDWATCH_URL=http://[WALRUS_IP]:8773/services/CloudWatch
export AWS_ELB_URL=http://[WALRUS_IP]:8773/services/LoadBalancing
export EUSTORE_URL=http://emis.eucalyptus.com/
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=${EUCA_KEY_DIR}/euca2-admin-cd349995-pk.pem
export EC2_CERT=${EUCA_KEY_DIR}/euca2-admin-cd349995-cert.pem
export EC2_JVM_ARGS=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=${EUCA_KEY_DIR}/jssecacerts
export EUCALYPTUS_CERT=${EUCA_KEY_DIR}/cloud-cert.pem
alias ec2-bundle-image="ec2-bundle-image --cert ${EC2_CERT} --privatekey ${EC2_PRIVATE_KEY} --user ${EC2_ACCOUNT_NUMBER} --ec2cert ${EUCALYPTUS_CERT}"
alias ec2-upload-bundle="ec2-upload-bundle -a ${EC2_ACCESS_KEY} -s ${EC2_SECRET_KEY} --url ${S3_URL}"


-i xxxx.pem 
-k xxxx 
-s n 
-t x2.2xlarge 
--os-type ubuntu
--user-data zzzz.sh  
launch spark-test
./mesos-euca-emi -i xxxx.pem.pem
-k xxxx 
-s n
-emi-master emi-xyzzyzxy
-e emi-xyzzyzxy  
-t m2.2xlarge 
-w 60 
--user-data-file zzzz.sh
--installation-type mesos-emi
--run-tests True
launch mesos-cluster-emi

You could use the mesos-euca-emi to also install a Spark Standalone cluster by specifying the correct arguments but the spark-euca script will work just fine for Spark-standalone


./mesos-euca-generic -i ~/pem_dir/stratos.pem -k stratos --ft 3 -s 2 --emi-master emi-283B3B45 -e emi-35E93896 -t m2.2xlarge --no-ganglia --user-data-file clear-key-ubuntu.sh --installation-type mesos-emi --run-tests True --cohost --swap 4096 launch cluster-name
./mesos-euca-generic -i ~/pem_dir/stratos.pem -k stratos --ft 3 -s 2 --emi-master emi-283B3B45 -e emi-35E93896 -t m2.2xlarge --no-ganglia --user-data-file clear-key-ubuntu.sh --installation-type mesos-emi --run-tests True --cohost --swap 4096 launch cluster-name

Check scripts for more options


The Spark cluster setup is guided by the values set in ec2-variables.sh.setup.sh first performs basic operations like enabling ssh across machines, mounting ephemeral drives and also creates files named /root/spark-euca/masters, and /root/spark-euca/slaves. Following that every module listed in MODULES is initialized.

To add a new module, you will need to do the following:

a. Create a directory with the module's name

b. Optionally add a file named init.sh. This is called before templates are configured and can be used to install any pre-requisites.

c. Add any files that need to be configured based on the cluster setup to templates/. The path of the file determines where the configured file will be copied to. Right now the set of variables that can be used in a template are


You can add new variables by modifying deploy_templates.py

d. Add a file named setup.sh to launch any services on the master/slaves. This is called after the templates have been configured. You can use the environment variables $SLAVES to get a list of slave hostnames and /root/spark-euca/copy-dir to sync a directory across machines.